Black Water

May 14, 2008 by
Filed under: Williamsburg 

Black water.

The above two words usually invoke one of two images in the American collective consciousness:

  1. Mercenaries to fight our wars, e.g.; Blackwater
  2. Horror movies to assuage our guilt/anxiety (regarding aforementioned wars), e.g.; Black Water.

Not me.

I’m a Greenpoint gal. When I speak of black water I mean just that. Black. Water.

Yesterday I patronized the women’s “comfort station” at La Guardia Park. My experience was hardly comforting. It was confusing, downright disturbing and involved (guess what?) black water.

Let’s approach the above missive from a logical stand point. The purpose of pressing said “button” is to make “the toilet water come out”. Water is necessary to flush your dirty deeds elsewhere. Why would one not want the toilet water to come out? Being the altruistic person I am I ran a field test of said shitter to see what gives.

CONCLUSION: inasmuch as some would like to “luxurify” the “Southside” the infrastructure (still) sucks ass. No one, be they rich or poor, should have to dodge shit juice to do what nature necessitates. This is friggin’ nasty.

Miss Heather


2 Comments on Black Water

  1. bestviewinbrooklyn on Wed, 14th May 2008 7:29 am
  2. Fantastic. And this is after one “push” on the button? I’d hate to think about wearing flip-flops or kids with bare feet in there. Ewwwwww. Excellent investigation. Perhaps a sign reading “Out of Order” would be more appropriate?

  3. jake_tuff on Wed, 14th May 2008 9:35 am
  4. you’re very brave and i guess bit crazy too for standing in that sludge and to push the button with your barehand.

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