Williamsburg Photo du Jour: Knee Mail

June 1, 2008 by
Filed under: Williamsburg 

From St. Francis of Paola on Conselyea Street.

Miss Heather


4 Comments on Williamsburg Photo du Jour: Knee Mail

  1. blognigger on Sun, 1st Jun 2008 9:37 pm
  2. Ha. Great shot.

    What the fuck does that even mean? I guess it must be a reference to the on-your-knees position of prayer, vis a vi a direct line to G0D v1.0.

    I’ll tell ya, they got some set ‘a balls mentioning that particular position in reference to G0D v1.0 when it turns out that so many alter-boys have used that position to quench the earthly needs of their hypocritical pedophiliac pastoral practitioners.

    Pass that shit over here, will ya?

    bn :: blognigger.com

  3. zoya on Sun, 1st Jun 2008 10:43 pm
  4. This one beats the church sign that was my favorite until now: “Exercise daily, walk with God”.

  5. Kevin Walsh on Mon, 2nd Jun 2008 12:01 am
  6. >>>It turns out that so many alter-boys have used that position to quench the earthly needs of their hypocritical pedophiliac pastoral practitioners.<<<

    Ah, the automatic Pavlovian Catholic=buggery gambit. And who knows if the church is even Catholic!


  7. missheather on Mon, 2nd Jun 2008 9:57 am
  8. For the record, this is a Catholic Church.

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