From The New York Shitty Inbox: Stray Voltage?

February 4, 2011 by
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

This item has been brought to my attention by the very kindly and dedicated head of the McCarren Park Dog  Run, a lady named Christine. She writes:

hi miss heather,

hope you are well…

could you post about stray voltage last night on my way to crafty tuesday one of my little demon dogs – ursula – was shocked by stray voltage on driggs and north 8.  there is a metal plate at that intersection and the combination of salt, water, metal and a little voltage cause her to sustain a shock.  she cried in tone that was not dog like and  tried to get away for the source of her pain.  having gone through something like this before i knew it wasn’t salt, it was electricity.   ursula is fine.   i reported it to 311 who connected me to 911 who got con ed out there to fix the situation.
dogs do die from these type of shocks.   it is best to report them!  call 311 or 911 and report that your dog was shocked and the location.  most of all be care around any metal with this weather.

has contacted Consolidated Edison and has an update:
Spoke to the con Ed men last night.  Asked how much was the voltage?  Which they responded there was no stray voltage.  I explain yes there was since my pup was shocked … They were nope no voltage so I was like so why have you been here the last 36 hours which at first they we no haven’t and then a supervisor came out of the truck to say yes and asked how my dog was who had since started barking at them.  As of this morning con Ed is gone and have replace the metal plate with this grated plate I guess so the water and salt don’t pool?
Those of you who have lived in north Brooklyn— or New York City, for that matter— know this is an issue which invariably arises this time of year. Those of you who have dogs please exercise extra vigilance at this intersection. Speaking for myself, I have frequently seen people employ balloons as disposable wellingtons for their canine companions. Not only is this quite effective (rubber does not conduct electricity) but it is also very economical. In any case, be careful. It’s a jungle out there!

Miss Heather


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