Ugly Made Fugly

July 22, 2008 by
Filed under: Williamsburg 

When I looked up at this building (located at the intersection of Roebling and Broadway) I thought to myself:

Wow, that’s really ugly!

Yes, I realize that this building is probably being designed with the needs of Hasidim in mind, but what is up with this?

Of course the first two floors being bombed by “Katsu” and others does not help matters.

Could someone please explain to me why someone would do this? And by “this” I mean going to the trouble of filling a fire extinguisher with paint and going to the intersection of Roebling and Broadway to deface a new building? Yes, the above edifice is hideous. BUTand this is a big but— “bombing” some old industrial building in Billyburg or Greenpoint is one thing, defacing the soon-to-be-home for people you don’t even know is different.

Is this really necessary?

Miss Heather


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