THIS WEEKEND: More Food Pantry Goodness

August 8, 2008 by
Filed under: Williamsburg 

Nicole of the Church of the Ascension writes:

Miss Heather,

I know you write about the Reformed Church’s food pantry.  But just wondered if you wouldn’t mind posting about a canned food drive for another food pantry in the neighborhood. The Church of the Ascension will be collecting canned food goods for its food pantry this weekend in Williamsburg and in a couple weeks at Key Food.

We are in need of cans of tuna, vegetables and soup. We will be at TOPS in Williamsburg on Saturday and Sunday August 9th and 10th, from 1-5pm. We will be at Key Food on Saturday and Sunday August 23rd and 24th, from 12-6pm.

If any of your readers would like to make donations of food or funds we’d appreciate it.  The food pantry has been operating for 30 years and as I am sure you have experienced with the Reformed Church the number of people we serve is on the rise.


I’m always happy to pass along items such as this. So if any of you, dear readers, happen to be in Williamsburg this weekend why not drop off a donation (or two) at Tops? It will only take a little of your time and someone will be very grateful you did!
Miss Heather


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