From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: On The Boardwalk

July 21, 2012 by
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

A fellow named Christopher (who took the above photograph today at 6:00 p.m.) writes:

From following your blog I thought you would “enjoy” this. I wonder how the people who paid 1/2 million plus for their condos on the new Williamsburg waterfront feel about their backyard on the weekends now.

Excellent question. I wonder if rats have been spotted yet? No worries, I am certain they will be soon enough…


4 Comments on From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: On The Boardwalk

  1. rwood on Mon, 23rd Jul 2012 4:23 pm
  2. Wow. I’ve always been a fan of your blog, but hating on the people) that live in these condos is pretty pathetic. If you want to complain about the way that the city negotiates redevelopment plans with developers, I am with you. But… falling in line with hating on your neighbors because they perhaps live in a newer or more expensive buildings is embarrassing.
    These people are dealing with the same type of issues(cleaning parks, getting local electeds to pay attention to community issues etc…) you highlight on your blog, and your inclination is to direct snark towards them because their apartments are more expensive?

  3. missheather on Mon, 23rd Jul 2012 7:16 pm
  4. Hey, seems like you posted this twice. Sorry I didn’t notice your previous comment earlier: this is my oversight.

    That said, I do not “hate on” anyone who lives in these buildings. I do get irked and frustrated (as I suspect you do too) at the fact we get these amenities and they are simply not taken care of. This seems to be a persistent problem across the board with a number of parks/spaces here. The worst part is it is totally preventable.

  5. rwood on Tue, 24th Jul 2012 8:54 am
  6. Cool. Thought I detected a wishing rats on the condo dwellers implication in your comment but I guess I was overreacting to a benign comment. I rented in the Edge last year and I just think it is ridiculous how people hate on that place. Its an awesome place to live and I wish I could have stayed longer. I just don’t get the rationale for hating on the people who live there, while I do get being disgusted with the city / developer. I am not totally sure how preventable this problem is unless you get rid of the flea / smorgasburg or the flea / smorgusburg pays to somehow have extra trash pick up. However, I am under the impression that the parks department is not very receptive to private entities paying for extra services in the park… I may be wrong though.

  7. missheather on Tue, 24th Jul 2012 12:34 pm
  8. Couldn’t you see me shaking my head? 🙂 Actually I was making an oblique reference to the problems at the Manhattan Avenue Kayak Launch. Trash (especially food containers) had become such a problem there rats were being spotted with regularity. Parks’ solution to this problem was to add another garbage can. Methinks this will only work if the cans are emptied on a routine basis. That’s the real problem if you ask me.

    You wrote:

    I am not totally sure how preventable this problem is unless you get rid of the flea / smorgasburg or the flea / smorgusburg pays to somehow have extra trash pick up. However, I am under the impression that the parks department is not very receptive to private entities paying for extra services in the park… I may be wrong though.

    Interesting. One would think as strapped for cash/resources as they are Parks would actually encourage this. Hmm… (rubs chin)

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