From The New York Shitty Inbox: Vinnie’s 2.0.?

Anonymous writes:vinnies

Dear Miss Heather,

Although I currently reside in Florida (suckfest), I’m a huge fan and avid reader of your blog…

Although I could toot your horn all day, I’ll be honest and tell you I have an ulterior motive: my boyfriend (ex? current? we haven’t quite decided) recently linked up with his friends from Williamsburg.  These boys are the current owners of Vinnie’s Pizza on Bedford Ave, known largely for their great selection of Vegan/Vegetarian specialty pies and their “T.HANKS” trash can featured on an array of blogs in recent months.  AAAAnyshit, I was hoping to anonymously alert you and your readers to their new location, opening right in Greenpoint at Nassau and Kingsland.

I’m not entirely sure when they’re set to open, but from the sound of it the date should fall well before the new year. I don’t know if this is necessarily of any interest to you but figured it was worth a try to help out a friend.  Thanks so much and keep of the great work – I always look forward to new posts!

Thanks for the kind words and head’s up, Anonymous. I am certain this will definitely be of interest to my friends in McGolrick Heights!

Miss Heather

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