Southside Photo Du Jour: Which One Of These Things Is Not Like The Others?

March 13, 2009 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 


From South 2nd Street.

Miss Heather

Brooklyn Photo Du Jour: The Laundry Store

March 13, 2009 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn 


From 4th Avenue.

Miss Heather

Fedders Friday Long Island City Style: The People Have Spoken!


On Tuesday, March 3, 2009 I wrote:

No matter how hard I try my wit, gift for gab, whatever-you-want-to-call-it is not doing this stellar example of Fedderism justice. To this end I need your help. Although I realize this has been done before I am proposing the following: you, dear readers, tender LOL speak captions for this masterpiece. These can be left in the comments below or sent via email at: missheather (at) newyorkshitty (dot) com.

If I like what I see I’ll publish the pick of the litter right here on New York Shitty later this week.

Well, things got a little chaotic for me that week so this had to be tabled. But this is not to suggest I didn’t have 49-16 11 Street on my mind. I most certainly did. Among other things I wondered to myself:

Is this building as craptastic in day light as it is at night.

I did a little field research and found the answer.


Abso-FUCKING-lutely YES.

Now, without further ado I offer for your Friday morning entertainment piquant observations about this stellar structure from you, the readers.* Enjoy!


AMOJA wrote:

…I think I may start calling this building the Triple Nipple. Those studs are…well…they’re there.


Jason in Kew Gardens raves:

This is the most effort I’ve ever seen put into a Friedrich box.


anonymous opines:

Nah…that’s a cesspool on the roof.

The builder is just too cheap to pay for a hook up to NYC’s sewer system!

Okay, so we have heard about the builder. What about the architect? Another anonymous offers up his theory as to who is responsible for this turd:


Design by Helen Keller.

And last, but hardly least I want to give special props to lylet (who actually followed my directions for this project). He mused:

I drive over the Pulaski every day – and this building has been testing my gag reflex for months now. While many don’t like the new building across the bridge, at least is qualifies as some sort of ‘architecture’ (and I actually happen to like it). This, however, looks like a Belvedere made babies with a Fedders Special – and out came this cheapo be-nippled eyesore. And did they build the elevator shaft for a few extra floors that never materialized?…



Miss Heather

*And a whole lotta help from Queens Crap!

Calling All Shittites: Contributors & Tips Wanted

mrpoopyheadthumbNow that my life has resumed some sense of normalcy (or at least as close as it gets with yours truly) I can finally get around to doing a few things I’ve been meaing to do but have gotten lost in the shuffle. Soliciting tips and contributors is foremost among these things.

Over the last few months I have increasingly come to the opinion that New York Shitty would be augmented with the addition of some other, new “voices”. Recent events (such as the untimely passing of Bob Guskind and the impending demise of the Greenpoint Courier) and my growing acceptance of the fact that I am only one person have made me realize that expanding the content on this site and providing a large forum are much more important than I had previously thought.

So here’s the deal: if you are interested in being a contributor to this site please email me at missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com. But before closing this post I would like to make my criteria/preferences/”plan” known:

1. I do not consider New York Shitty to be exclusively a “place blog”. However, there are some geographical areas I tend to focus on more than others: Greenpoint (obviously), Williamsburg, East Williamsburg, Bushwick, southwestern Queens and to a more limited extent: Bedford Stuyvesant and the East Village. Here’s a map to give you a general idea of what/where I am talking about.


The previous having been written I want to make it clear that I am open to material from outside this area. I simply do not want it to override the north Brooklyn-centric nature of this site.

2. What kind of content am I looking for? I’m pretty open to suggestions. One thing I would really like to have happen is feature an adoptable pet once a week. If this sounds like something you are interested in doing, let me know. Otherwise I want to make it clear what I do not want: schmaltz. If you are going to write about your children it better be fucking good. Family Circus (and its ilk) put me in a blind rage. It also goes without saying that racist, sexist, classist, anti-Semitic, homophobic material, etc.— in other words hate speech— will not be published.

3. What’s in it for me? New York Shitty is not a for profit site, therefore I cannot afford to pay you. However, plans to convert this site (along with a redesign!) are in the works. So perhaps some day compensation will be involved. For the time being, however, a little publicity and/or link love is all I can offer.

4. Please be literate.

5. Unless you have sustained a serious brain injury or have multiple personalities please refer to yourself in the first person. Which brings me to my final point…

6. Please do not be insane. The world wide web has enough crazy people posting crazed missives on it already. I have no intention of adding to this problem.

This is pretty much all I can think of. I want to leave the possibilities for this site as open as possible.

Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.

Miss Heather

Map Image Credit: Google Maps

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: <3 Over $

March 13, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


From Kingsland Avenue.

Miss Heather

A Very Green(point) Public Service Announcement

March 12, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


When I came across this wonderful missive (which hails from Norman Avenue) in bexrox’s Flickr photostream I simply had to share it here on New York Shitty. I for one am a big fan of the second point and last points: “tell friends to help clean” and “don’t pollute”. I don’t want to sound cynical (although I suppose I am being just that) but try telling that one to some of the businesses along Newtown Creek, kid.

Miss Heather

Great Moments In Cross Selling: Greenpoint Avenue

March 12, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

(Or: Tastes Great, Less Filling)


Genius. Pure genius.

Miss Heather

Brooklyn Photos Du Jour: Going To Green-Wood

March 12, 2009 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn 


I imagine a number of you have heard that yesterday Bob Guskind’s funeral came to pass at Green-Wood Cemetery. Not only was this affair was low key (READ: no media presence/circus) but I was genuinely touched by the many wonderful thoughts Bob’s friends, family and professional colleagues offered during the service. Enough so that I felt compelled to offer a few of my own. I had not planned to do this but for reasons that will come to light eventually I had my reasons for doing so.

As is my usual habit I brought along my camera yesterday. Follows are some photographs from my trip to and from Green-Wood Cemetery. I was pretty blown away by some of them. I suspect you will be too. Enjoy!

I would like to thank again all you who have reached out to me over the last week. You might not have heard back from me (my inbox is an e-NIGHTMARE) but your thoughts and condolences were and are very much appreciated. Thanks!

Miss Heather

A Park Slope Public Service Announcement

March 12, 2009 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Park Slope 


This nook (which is located underneath the F train at 4th Avenue) is not a urinal.

That is all.

Miss Heather

Gowanus Lounge Obituary

March 11, 2009 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

bobthumbnailAfter putting our collective heads together we— the close friends and family of Bob Guskind— have finally completed the obituary to be posted on his site, The Gowanus Lounge. Given the number of people involved in its creation the process took a little longer than all of us probably would have liked. Thankfully our patience and persistence were well rewarded; each of us came away from proofing the final draft satisfied we had created the very best obituary we (and possibly anyone) could.

I would like it to be known I did not contribute much in the way of content. My role was more that of an editor and/or adviser. My rationale for acting in this capacity is that I did not (and still do not) feel I can adequately put together the words to best express my feelings and thoughts about Bob Guskind’s death just yet. Thankfully one of Bob’s oldest friends, Marc, was up to the challenge; he did a smash-up job of both composing a great deal of this tome and coordinating feedback from the rest of us.

In all likelihood I will express my thoughts about Bob Guskind’s passing (and the big shoes he has left us to fill) at his upcoming memorial service (which, by the way, we have started to organize). This feels “right” to me. It’s been my life experience that these things take time to understand, much less to articulate. And as strange as it may sound the act of putting this post together was very therapeutic. Not only did it help us— Bob’s friends and loved ones— get to know each other better but it also helped us to heal. As we discussed how Bob impacted our lives we even had a much needed laugh (or two). I know this would make him happy.

But enough about us. Without further ado here is the obit for Bob Guskind as posted on the Gowanus Lounge. It is my sincerest wish that you (and if you’re listening Bob 😉 enjoy reading this heartfelt tribute to his life as much as we enjoyed composing it.

Miss Heather

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