Ego and Hubris on Ebay

February 4, 2008 by
Filed under: Crazy People 

If anyone out there wants the cast worn by editor of The Brooklyn Paper after he broke his ankle (ouch!) last month, today’s your lucky day. What’s more, it is signed by none other than Brooklyn’s very own Marty Markowitz! What a deal! Those of you wishing to place bids for this “piece of journalistic, medical and political history” better hurry: this auction ends February 9, 2008 at 9:37 P.S.T.

Of ego and hubris part 1

The accompanying copy is as follows:

Get the actual cast worn by legendary Brooklyn journalist Gersh Kuntzman after he broke his ankle in January! Not only is the cast signed by Borough President Marty Markowitz, but all money raised in the sale (copy editing mine— Miss H) will go towards Markowitz’s Camp Brooklyn Charity. This is a once-in-a-lifetime (hyphen abuse— Miss H) opportunity to own a piece of journalistic, medical and political history— the very cast worn by an award-winning journalist, signed by a future mayor of New York City, and written about in countless Kuntzman columns (ambiguous— Miss H)! This cast’s authenticity is guaranteed and the winning bidder will also receive a high-resolution photo of Markowitz signing the historic cast. A priceless collectible.

Wow, that’s really egotistical! Could you stick your head a little further up Marty’s ass? When you do could you tell me what he had for lunch yesterday? Just curious. I was very grateful when Mr. Markowitz pressured the Department of Buildings to inspect my apartment building after having neither heat nor hot water for six days . I even gave him a shout-out on New York Shitty to show my gratitude. But “future Mayor of New York City”? Seriously Gersh, that is a bit much.

In any case, as of 1:34 a.m. February 5th, 2008 your “priceless collectible” is worth $61.00 (plus shipping and handling). Maybe I should start shilling my dirty gently used panties and maxi pads on Ebay for charity? Not only would they fetch more money (I have a cute butt), but I suspect I’d walk away from the experience with a shred of dignity.

Miss Heather

P.S.: This is post 1000 on New York Shitty. Hooray!


2 Comments on Ego and Hubris on Ebay

  1. SouthOfNYC on Tue, 5th Feb 2008 9:31 am
  2. Congrats on the 1000 posts! Eww, a used cast. Ever smell one after even a week? Ick. At least one could wash your panties (and no, I don’t want to buy one of them either!)

  3. rowan on Tue, 5th Feb 2008 11:02 am
  4. go 1000! nice work.

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