A North 7 Street PSA: NO KARL



I was unable to ascertain whether or not this was addressed to north Brooklyn’s architect of choice (Karl Fischer)— but I wouldn’t rule it out. Although the architect of this aborted attempt at a condo appears to be Michael Muroff, who knows? Maybe the author of this missive knows something the Department of Buildings doesn’t? In any case I am pleased to see someone made use of the word “fucktard”.

Miss Heather


2 Comments on A North 7 Street PSA: NO KARL

  1. eben on Mon, 12th Oct 2009 4:10 pm
  2. i hate when owners can’t control their Karls.

  3. missheather on Mon, 12th Oct 2009 4:12 pm
  4. He’s been leaving his droppings all over Williamsburg and Greenpoint. BAD KARL!

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