Greenpoint just got a little bit uglier

The recent torrential downpour(s) have made “Dung of the Day” pickins’ pretty slim. But “dog shit” isn’t merely canine effluvia, it’s a state of mind. Which brings me to this steaming pile of shit my husband and I happened across last night at 198 Green Street…


Who the? What the? OH MY GOD!!! As if the facade’s strong resemblance to a sub-zero refrigerator isn’t bad enough, check out the front door…

And exactly who (or what) will live behind this door? Frau Blucher immediately comes to mind. This isn’t a house, it’s a fucking fortification— which may not be such a bad idea given that some neighborhood (wannabe) toughs hurled an object in my direction as I gawked at this atrocity. Frankly, it makes me want to hurl something at (or my dinner on) it too.


I’m guessing this is a light fixture. The first of three to be installed along the top of this building. I for one would like to propose that upon completion these be used as gallows for the owner of this property, the ‘designer’ responsible for this ‘design concept’ and the contractor who enabled it to happen.


2 Comments on Greenpoint just got a little bit uglier

  1. brandon on Mon, 22nd May 2006 11:28 am
  2. I live in the hood (Freeman side of the Package Factory), and have yet to see this pile of shit. I can’t believe this crapfest is for real (but I’ll see when I get home).

  3. missheather on Mon, 22nd May 2006 2:05 pm
  4. Hopefully you’ll see it at sunset (when it is EXTRA ugly). BTW – Howdy neighbor! (I live on Green St., but thankfully *NOT* on this block)

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