Putting the “Shit” In New York Shitty

October 16, 2007 by
Filed under: Crazy People, Dung of the Day, Other Shit 

I was forwarded this shitastic link by my fantastic buddy Judy over at Dategirl. It is so utterly stupid and revolting I have seen fit to feature it here on New York Shitty. I present to you, dear readers, a sampling from Diaper Free Adventures. An adventure in faux hippie crap trap and bad spelling:

My husband and I went to Williamsburg yesterday to get some good coffee at Verb and some militant vegan food at Foodswings. The L train was moderatley crowded with no seats left in which to sit, but not too many people standing. In these situations I do not do EC. I am too embarassed to take my son out of his carrier, unclip the potty from my bookbag, pull off his little gray sweatpants, open his diaper, lift him over the red potty and say, “Pssss. Pee-pee” into his ear.

This is beyond my comprehension:

  1. Verb coffee sucks ass. Their service is even worse.
  2. I am damned close to being a vegan, yet never profess to eat “militant vegan food”. This phrase even pisses me off.
  3. There are enough people, grown-ups no less, who piss on the L train as is. This woman’s entitled cunt dumpling does not need contribute to this nuisance.

Perhaps she is training her son to be a crazy homeless person? This would make sense given all the fucked shit she has probably (already?) filled his little head with and the state of the U.S. economy. After flunking out at the fry vat at Mickey D’s I am certain he’ll take to ranting and raving on Greenpoint Avenue like a natural. Pissing and shitting all over the place. Just like a pro. Just like mom taught him!

Pssss. Pee-pee!

Miss Heather


4 Comments on Putting the “Shit” In New York Shitty

  1. judes on Tue, 16th Oct 2007 7:32 am
  2. I am so fascinated by that woman’s blog—so creepy and wrong! That she thought people were SMILING at her cute little display shows how divorced from reality she is.

  3. missheather on Tue, 16th Oct 2007 8:21 am
  4. It’s like pornography. Wait, nix that.

    It IS pornography.

  5. nobugs on Tue, 16th Oct 2007 11:25 am
  6. Do they have to alter the “no smoking, drinking or radio playing” signs to account for this crap?

  7. al oof on Tue, 16th Oct 2007 5:41 pm
  8. wouldn’t the point be to teach your baby when it’s appropriate to pee? or part of the point? i guess that was your point. this is so gross. i mean, i’m pro-natural stuff a lot of the time, but get a cloth diaper and deal with it. or don’t go out hipstering somewhere you can’t walk to.

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