From The New York Shitty Inbox: A Gate On Java Street?


Mike (who sent me the above photograph) writes:

I was walking down by West and Java today and noticed someone is putting up a metal gate leading down to the water. Is this the same spot where the city tore down the gate (to ensure our access to the “water front”) over the summer if I’m not mistaken?

Intrigued, I moseyed down to Java Street this afternoon to see what’s up. Contrary to what Mike thought, this fence (which as some of you may recall, was issued an order by the Department of Transportation to be removed because it ostensibly blocked waterfront access. I think this is a bit of an exaggeration, but illegal is illegal…) was not going up: it was coming down.


To close on West Street related news I am pleased to announce the crumbling construction fences I wrote about in this post have been repaired.


It should also be noted the owner of the above property (174 West Street, which is located between Green and Huron Street) has been issued a summons for (and I quote) “failure to maintain adequate housekeeping”. How do I know this, you ask? Let’s just say the word is on the street.



I’ll leave it to your respective powers of deduction, dear readers, to figure out what the brown smudge is on this document.

Miss Heather


One Comment on From The New York Shitty Inbox: A Gate On Java Street?

  1. Rebecca11222 on Wed, 21st Oct 2009 1:47 pm
  2. I would like to interrogate Bohdi as to his whereabouts on or before the day of October 20th.

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