Planet of the Shits

August 20, 2006 by
Filed under: (s)Hit Parade, Dog Shit, Dung of the Day 

I found today’s Dung of the Day this morning at 959 Manhattan Avenue.

Dr. Zaius

The resemblance is rather uncanny if I say so myself…

Miss Heather


2 Comments on Planet of the Shits

  1. Raimus on Mon, 21st Aug 2006 11:51 am
  2. Hello,
    Love your site – really great! I’ve been a Greenpointer since 2000 myself – moving in from the West Coast and I love it here. It is refreshing to hear put to words what we’ve all walked around shaking our heads at and muttering un-mentionables torwards. The slipsters, the condos and let us not forget the dog shitties. Being a dog owner myself, I find abhorrent that so many people will not pick up after their dog. I find in each of these markings of yet another unhappy dog – why? Because any dog owner who cannot be counted on to pick up after their dog, cannot be counted on to meet the basic needs, let alone the extended needs (emotional etc.) of their, dare I say? – companion. If you want a real marker, try Norman ave on the the East side of the street between Guernsey St and Banker St – it’s a real wopper of dog Sht collections – to top it off, it’s all in front of where they clean out many of the hotdog stands – even my pooch moves beyond this point – certainlly worth the visit – full force is about 9pm ish.

    Again, thanks for your blog – it will be enjoyable to keep up on as we watch our neigborhood morph from a place I was nervous at night to know my wife was out and about in at times – to a place where greasy hair, piercings and tatoos comes w/ a tag attached and a cliche memborship card. While it is nice to see some and many improvements to the neighborhood, it is at a cost that is high and disproportionate.

    One last note: I have noticed since the neighborhood has been “cleaned” up – the litter seems to be a bigger problem these days. McCarren park, once littered only by a hadfull of harmless drunks, is now strewn w/ a bed of chicken bones, styrafoam and very annoying softball drunks.

    It is lucky for many of us, that many of us, while educated, are also unemployed – keep up the wierdness – it is appreciated.

    Rambling Raimus.

  3. missheather on Mon, 21st Aug 2006 12:17 pm
  4. Thanks for your kind words and I will check out the tip you gave me regarding Norman Avenue soon.

    Otherwise I was amused by you work email address, as I had the pleasure of being a temp at your place of employment on a number of occasions back in 1997. At one point I was even a floor Receptionist for the Equity Research Department. I got a lot of reading done there. Henry Miller and Kurt Vonnegut mostly.

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