September 5, 2006 Dung of the Day

September 5, 2006 by
Filed under: (s)Hit Parade, Bum Shit, Dung of the Day 

I found this gargantuan pile (?) of shit at 222 Franklin St. Even I would not go near this one (as Dirty Harry would say “a good woman always knows her limitations”), but to give you a sense of scale, most of it is piled atop a 2″ x 6″.

It’s a big one alright— and by far the most repulsive specimen I have found to date. Given that I have spent over five months tracking dog shit*, that is saying something.

September 5, 2006 Dung of the Day

Miss Heather

*and coming across the occasional human bowel movement, like this one.


2 Comments on September 5, 2006 Dung of the Day

  1. jellyfish on Wed, 6th Sep 2006 11:22 pm
  2. wow! faaaancy site! crazy log in and everything. it’s nice to have a little task at 2 in the morning.
    just wanted to say thank you for fighting the good fight my dear. your observations on the shape of ‘things’ in our neighborhood are pointed and smell funny.
    i’m the one walking around with a viszla puppy these days, training my heart out, and doing my part to help keep greenpoint kleen!

  3. missheather on Thu, 7th Sep 2006 5:49 am
  4. Thanks. I have my reasons for requiring registration; these mostly center around preventing people from posting crap (no pun intended) on my site. If you find any good dog shit do send me a pic. The specs/requirements are on my “About” page.

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