The Poo Corner Project: And Then There Were Two?

As I prognosticated yesterday, today’s “load” was dispatched on India Street. I refrained from annotating it, as the rainfall would render my sidewalk chalk useless. But does today’s dispatch end here? Not by a long-shot, gentle readers. When I rounded the corner onto West Street I doscovered something rather interesting.

It would appear someone has seen fit to voice his/her dissatisfaction with this dog owner’s anti-social behavior. Exactly how this will influence my study/behavioral experiment remains to be seen.

But the sugar plum fairies are taking it all in stride…

UPDATE, 3:41 p.m.: I am pleased as punch to announce my endeavor has not gone unnoticed/appreciated by our friends on the left coast. Click here and see the magic for yourself!


4 Comments on The Poo Corner Project: And Then There Were Two?

  1. eagle_teater on Tue, 29th Nov 2011 3:21 pm
  2. I think you missed a further message on India St. Perhaps these love letters need to be translated into Polish?

  3. missheather on Tue, 29th Nov 2011 3:23 pm
  4. I suspect a multilingual missive would be a wise move.

  5. Peter on Tue, 29th Nov 2011 4:17 pm
  6. These are some massive grogans. They must be from *very* large dogs … unless someone has a pet cow.

  7. missheather on Tue, 29th Nov 2011 4:22 pm
  8. Thank you for using the term “grogan”! I just learned that one recently (from Gawker, of course).

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