Fedders Friday: Chinatown Style

June 6, 2008 by
Filed under: Fedders Friday 

I rarely go to Manhattan. Maybe once a month at best. I have made certain adjustments in my life that render the fairest of all New York Shitty’s boroughs irrelevant. But when I go there, I make it worth my while. Even if it involves forcing my mother to behold the utter ass that is being built in this city.

CASE IN POINT: this atrocity at 18 Eldridge Street

Here’s its neighbor. Note the craftsmanship. This was not only built to last, but it was also designed to please the eye.

This, on the other hand, was built to please the wallet. The developer’s wallet. Could someone please explain to me why they see fit to build balconies as minuscule as this, much less adorn them with excessive amounts of chrome? If this your idea of good taste and/or ample space*? If so, please speak up.

Here’s the top of the temple.

Here’s the top of 18 Eldridge. Note the use a decorative “keystone”. I have noticed that this is a common feature of Feddertecture.

And did I mention it also has Fedders boxes?

Oy vey!

Miss Heather

*Karen Carpenter excluded.


5 Comments on Fedders Friday: Chinatown Style

  1. amandabee on Fri, 6th Jun 2008 10:56 am
  2. You’re just supposed to stand out there for a smoke.

    Can we launch a fedders improvement contest? Like what if you swapped your fedders cap for a planter on wheels that you could slide in and out of your living room for maintenance? That hole in the wall ought to be good for something.

  3. amandabee on Fri, 6th Jun 2008 10:56 am
  4. solar panels, maybe?

  5. rowan on Fri, 6th Jun 2008 1:58 pm
  6. hole in wall good for water-balloons or water-filled condoms, your choice. what’s the point of having such tiny balconies? if i pay for a balcony, i want to be able to use it.

  7. marvis on Fri, 6th Jun 2008 5:54 pm
  8. I would imagine that there was probably some zoning problem with blaconines jutting out into the street, hence small balconies. While the crome may be ugly, being able to step out is nice. I also don’t know how long youd be able to deal with being out on a regular size balcony. The odours wafting up from the Chinatown streets in summer would require a gasmask.

    Also I am unsure as to why there is such a problem with the Fedders boxes. Surely in wall air-conditioning is more attractive to both the tennant and streetside observer than having a big old box sticking out from a window, no? I prefer either over centralised air, which you have less control over and is very expensive to install and maintain. Is the problem with the name Fedders on the outside? Doesnt the cover get removed anyways once an AC unit is put in?

  9. marvis on Fri, 6th Jun 2008 5:55 pm
  10. Also at least the building is made of brick which is more than can be said of some of these ultra”modern” glass monstrocities.

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