The Taking Of Pelham

September 5, 2008 by
Filed under: Fedders Friday 

Today’s installment of Fedders Friday comes courtesy of the Pelham Bay Park bound 6 train.

Just look at this beauty.

Is that a “For Rent” sign I see in the window?!?

I wasn’t fast enough to catch the front of this one.

No worries, I got the back. Speaking of balconies…

Check out these. I for one am a big fan of the slab of concrete gracing the top-most one.

Way to go, Bronx!

Miss Heather


6 Comments on The Taking Of Pelham

  1. bitchcakes on Fri, 5th Sep 2008 1:33 pm
  2. I didn’t even realize what a Fedders wonderland it was up there!

    Do you think that uppermost slab is protection from the elements on the below terrace? It’s the only solution I’ve come up with- however, it does look like a dangerous invitation for anyone who might be on the roof (and lacking brain function) to jump on, and/or gain access to that person’s terrace and doors. Either way- no good! (and ugly!)

  3. bxnewsnet on Fri, 5th Sep 2008 4:12 pm
  4. It’s more like way to go Bloomy! The multi families we call McMansions are all over the place and are killing what’s left of the middle class home owner community. These sprang up thanks to the lax Buildings Dept. The graffiti is everywhere and despite all the rhetoric there has been little effort by PD or City Hall to clean it up.

    You’re lucky to stay on the 6 and all you saw was graffiti because on the street below bullets are starting to fly again. (Check out our story on 15 wounded for the weekend @ Bet you didn’t see a cop on the subway north of Hunts Point unless it was after a Yankee game, right?

    But everything’s wonderful here in Bloomy’s New York.

  5. missheather on Fri, 5th Sep 2008 4:36 pm
  6. Actually I saw a number of police men at the last stop of the 6. Four – six of them if my memory serves me correct: half in the station, half outside the station.

  7. bxnewsnet on Fri, 5th Sep 2008 5:24 pm
  8. What day was it? If it was a Sunday it’s probably because Pelham Bay Park is filled with BBQers and large groups of kids. Usually you’ll see 20 meter maids for every cop.

  9. missheather on Fri, 5th Sep 2008 5:51 pm
  10. Saturday, August 30.

  11. bxnewsnet on Fri, 5th Sep 2008 6:08 pm
  12. Holiday weekend. Pretty good though. The other shootings that left 15 wounded were in other Precincts. Just glad all those “Cafes” are safe to operate in Pel Bay until after 3 am.

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