Today Is Not Only Friday…
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy

it is also the birthday of one of my favorite Greenpoint notables: Jozef! Here he is representing in front of the local “Crunch Fitness” (who has been kind enough to give him some swag).
Jozef will be doing his annual (and per last*) birthday celebration at the Polka Dot Cafe. I do not recall the exact date/time, but Sunday between noon and 4:00 pm is a pretty safe guess. I’ll update with exact details when I get them.
For those of you who are not aware of artistry/whimsy this fellow gives back to community (which I suspect are many nowadays), I offer you this: my personal favorite. It is one of many over the years, I assure you. This fellow is a treasure.
Happy Birthday Jozef!
*No suicide alert here. He’ll continue celebrating his name day. Like many of us, I suspect, birthdays get old after awhile.
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