Greenpoint Audio/Visual Presentation Du Jour: Fun At 1:44 a.m.

January 28, 2009 by
Filed under: Asshole, Greenpoint Magic 

I have often been asked why I live in Greenpoint. To date I have yet to give (what I consider to be) a satisfactory answer. That all changed today at 1:44 a.m.


That is when I got to watch (and listen to) a group of three drunk hipsters cheer on one of their comrades while he wiped his ass on someone’s car.

Yeah, you can’t see jackshit in this vid but you sure as hell can hear it. It is rather difficult to channel your inner Cecil B Fucking Demille at 1:44 on a Wednesday morning. This is an hour those of us who do not have trust funds (or work third shift) can usually be found in bed. Usually.

Unless of course you have a bunch of drunken 20-somethings cavort down your block in the wee hours of the night like it is Bedford-fucking-Avenue, knocking over trash cans, trying to set off car alarms and cheering each other on to increasingly stupid, loud and obnoxious behavior. In which case you’ll find yourself sitting in front of a computer at 3:00 a.m. in Greenpoint writing about it.

Miss Heather


5 Comments on Greenpoint Audio/Visual Presentation Du Jour: Fun At 1:44 a.m.

  1. rowan on Wed, 28th Jan 2009 12:24 pm
  2. hope his/her ass got chilblains or frostbite. fucking hipsters.

  3. bestviewinbrooklyn on Wed, 28th Jan 2009 12:35 pm
  4. Lovely. Another step forward for neighborly relations.

  5. missheather on Wed, 28th Jan 2009 2:50 pm
  6. BVIB writes: …Another step forward for neighborly relations.

    What really got me was the one chick feeling around cars and shoving them in the hopes she’d set off the alarms. When none went off I shit you not she exclaimed:

    Doesn’t anybody have a car alarm?

    This is behavior one would usually attribute to raffish teenagers or plain ol’ juvenile delinquents. The group I saw this morning (while possibly delinquents) were not juveniles: they were drunk, narcissistic, well-to-do 20-somethings whose sense of entitlement gives them the right to treat my neighborhood like it is their fucking playground.

    To be a good neighbor would entail having consideration for other people. These people are too busy jerking each other off to give a shit about anyone else. The fact that “Greg” was hamming it up for the camera (not mine, one of his “friend’s) while wiping his bare ass on someone’s car was the icing on the cake. A car, I will add, whose owners (I am 90% certain) are a very nice retired Puerto Rican couple who have lived here for over 17 years. Two months this very same car of theirs was keyed and glue was placed in its locks.

    Aren’t you glad you don’t live in a “hip” neighborhood?

  7. rheingold on Wed, 28th Jan 2009 7:04 pm
  8. Shouldn’t the hipster thing be over now? I mean, the Twist, the Pet Rock Craze, Acid Washed Jeans, they all came and went in a couple of years. Hipsters are so…2004.

  9. missheather on Wed, 28th Jan 2009 7:06 pm
  10. Don’t forget hula hoops and fax machines!

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