What Not To Do This Weekend

August 20, 2019 ·
Filed under: 11222, Asshole, Fuck This Shit, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn 

UPDATE, 8/21/19: From a buddy of mine who contacted The Warsaw. Here what he had to say:

I just received a statement from The Polish National Home . The Polish National Home and Warsaw does not share the views that this man is talking about and that this event was advertised without our consent. CANCELLED!

If you all are looking for something to do this weekend, I would kindly like to recommend inquiring of the Warsaw why they provide a platform for holocaust deniers.* Yes, not only is this fellow a holocaust denier but he is the second one the Warsaw has provided a forum to this summer.

To get the full rundown as to what’s up with his dude, I strongly recommend you go to this Twitter string by Venture Communist and give it a read. Among other things, this fellow has been banned from YouTube for hate speech, believes Elie Wiesel is a fraud; believes Jews were active collaborators with the Nazis in the Holocaust and much, much more. Trust me folks, you will come away disgusted.

*Be sure to mention Marek, the manager. He handles the music side. He is apparently who is bringing these CHUDs in.

Tomorrow: Happy Birthday, Irene!

If you do not know who this amazing woman is, you should. Her name is Irene Klementowicz and this is what she had to say about an “environmental study” presentation a couple years ago.

Tomorrow, January 8th, will be her 86th birthday. If any of you, gentle readers, see her on Manhattan Avenue (always stylishly attired) wish her a happy and healthy one. It is women such as her who keep this community (or at least some of its bullshit) in check. And for this reason I adore her. This one’s for you, Irene.

P.S.: Also of note, “OSA” will be rolling out their vision plan for the Greenpoint Waterfront.

Thursday_ First Look at New Greenpoint Park_Page_1nys


Thursday_ First Look at New Greenpoint Park_Page_2nys

Those of you who plan on attending this dog and pony show: please keep Irene in the backs of your minds. After all, what does it say about a “parks advocacy group” when its head is the very same attorney who, under George “Greenpoint Landing” Klein’s hire, stumped for the 2005 Rezone (parks for super-sizing scheme) in the first place?


The fellow in question prefers to see it as “community advocacy”— and I suppose, given his purview— it is.

The Word On The Street: Right Wing NY

Right Wing NY nys

This discovery, as made today on 31st Street in Queens, is dedicated to Robert Scarano. You see, gentle readers, he (in part thanks to Curbed*) saw fit to comment on my site recently.

Comments nys

It would appear my post about 214 Franklin Street being converted into a hotel perturbed his granite-topped, sub-zero eminence. I suppose since Mr. Scarano cannot file his own plans anymore he has to occupy his time somehow. And he has elected to while away the time by commenting on my site!

I have been called a great many things in my life, but “right wing” is a new one. This one’s for you, “Scarano”! You are to architecture and north Brooklyn what blankets were to the Siege of Fort Pitt.

*To whose editor I wrote a “thank you” email stating my gratitude. Clearly my message got to the “right” people.

Quicklink: And So It Goes…

Anthony argento

It’s cute how “family” sticks together. Please take a moment and point and click your way to Queens Crap for the scoop. Otherwise if you, fellow Greenpointers, are wondering why this is our problem. Well, the following might clarify matters a bit.

lina lighting

You can and should read this in its entirety here. In any case despite being caught operating an illegal waste trade facility handling construction material and six figures worth of tax liens  the Department of Buildings has seen fit to issue Mr. Argento’s curiously named contracting company, Broadway Stages, permits. Nice…

From The New York Shitty Inbox

Per a tipster.

A tee for Greenpoint600

It would appear Brooklyn Industries is either unaware that GWAPP ain’t what it used to be— or is shilling the same old t-shirt with the same old premise:

We fought the power plants and won!

If GWAPP was/is “winning”, why did this come to pass? And why does someone charged with appointing new board members behave in this manner? (start watching at 5;00)

I harbor a downright Darwinian attitude when it comes to “community orgs”. Simply put: if GWAPP is failing it is because the leadership has failed the community. GWAPP failed, shuffled the deck and now GWAPP 2.0. (which should not be confused with its predecessor), in its infinite wisdom, is going to charge former board members to appoint new ones. Exactly how this is going to create a different outcome is a mystery to yours truly. In any case GWAPP or whatever one wants to call it) is a one trick pony. They fall back on the power plant fight because, quite frankly, that’s all have.

And of course my personal favorite:


You gotta love this kind of hypocrisy. Be sure to thank GWAPP— Adam Perlmutter, Esquire— in particular, when they start piledriving at Greenpoint Landing. That should work wonders for the air quality ereabotus. Is this worth a t-shirt? Really?

P.S.: Melinda Katz, you took a shit on my community. I have returned the favor— via a snow globe!

Queens id for lovers 600

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Water Tower

March 15, 2014

March 20, 2014

As you can see, gentle readers, something has come to pass in the last few days. Follows are a few thoughts:

  1. This is one of my favorite landmarks in Greenpoint. In fact one of my all time favorite photos I have ever taken is of this water tower.
  2. This pisses me off. Big time.
  3. I suspect a number of the folks reading this list agree with the previous two points.
  4. Some may find prodigal penises (penii?) hanging from telephone lines offensive. I respect their opinion. However, let’s face facts: a. it does not entail destruction of property b. it is not taking a crap on someone else’s culture.
  5. I do hope an effort will be made to restore this flag to its previous state.
  6. I want each and every one of my fellow north Brooklynites to remember this the next time certain pillars of our community extoll upon the benefits of the tourism economy. Straight up: vandalism of this variety is not perpetrated by folks who live hereabouts. Rather, it is the handwork of those who reside outside the community and as such do not treat it with the same level of care and respect as residents do. Or at least this is the only plausible reason/excuse I can find for this.
  7. Any/all “news outlets” which see fit to run with this news item: remember to cite www.thatgreenpointblog.com!

The Word On The Street: The People Have Spoken (Once Again)

Keep BK Safe

Today yours truly opted to take a brief constitutional around north ‘Point. As I did I noticed that Charles Hynes, or more specifically his supporters, have seen fit to press the manifold number of construction fences hereabouts into service as billboards. The above missive can be found on Green Street between Manhattan Avenue and Franklin Street. I just about shot coffee out of my nose when I read the tag line at the bottom:

Political Corruption600

Do not let political corruption take over the DA’s Office

Excuse me if I am wrong here but I suspect the reason Mr. Hynes was defeated, by quite a commanding margin I’ll add, by Ken Thompson in the Democratic Primary was due to the fact folks hereabouts are tired of political corruption in the Brooklyn DA’s office. Then again, it has been established that Mr. Hynes does not seem to see it this way. That’s why he is running as a Republican. But I digress.

Gpt Avenue

When I reached Greenpoint Avenue I was faced with this fellow’s visage once more. I was like:

Enough is enough.

And proceeded across the street to tear these damned things down. As I got closer I made an amusing discovery— one which made me reconsider my “plan of action”. It made me smile— and proud to be a Greenpointer!


Well done, anonymous Greenpoint hooligan. WELL DONE!

UPDATE, 6:06 p.m.: It has been brought to my attention that SANO (whose sign can been seen on the fence on Green Street) has had its license revoked for non-payment of taxes. Don’t take my word for it:

Quicklink: WTF???

June 26, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11211, Asshole, Criminal Activity, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn, Wow, WTF 


Your eyes are not deceiving you. You can read the whole gruesome story by clicking here. A few thoughts/observations:


  1. As it would happen, I know where this grisly find was made: North 10 Street between Wythe and Kent Avenue. The above photo was taken June 24th. You can see the Wythe Hotel in the background. It appears to be a homeless encampment and it has been here for some time. (Think: at least a month.) When one thinks about it, that makes this despicable act even more despicable: in addition to animal cruelty, the miscreant responsible for this had to leave his (?) “gift” in someone’s “home”. Being homeless is bad enough in and of itself. Really folks.
  2. Where these alligator parts were found is very close to the Bushwick Inlet Park Soccer Field. Where, some of you might recall, someone saw fit to hang the body of a dead cat to the goal post recently.

View Larger Map

Is this the handiwork of the same person? Whose to say? Personally, I hope it is because the thought of two people engaging in this kind of behavior makes my blood boil. In any case it is sick as hell and I hope the authorities catch the person(s) responsible.

New York Shitty Day Starter: 239 Banker Street Craigslist Advertisement Du Jour

September 21, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Asshole, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Now they’re employing YouTube footage.

New York Shitty analysis:

  • It would probably be advisable to remove the personal items from the previous tenants (who were vacated by the Department of Buildings) before filming.
  • Then again, who cares?

But the insanity does not end there. Let’s proceed, shall we?

So now:

  • 239 Banker Street
  • The Sweater Factory Lofts
  • The Factory Lofts
  • The 39 Meserole Avenue Lofts
  • The “Rustic House” Artists Lofts

are now known as 245 Banker Street. Fascinating. By any other address it still has Stop Work Order.


Spotted On Diamond Street: Hate

The above image comes from a residnent of Diamond Street. He/she writes on September 15, 2012:

From outside my apartment building.

I have brought this rather ugly item to the attention to the head of the 94th Precinct, D.I. Hurson, among others. While outside of his jurisdiction, hopefully he can help get this loathsome piece of vandalism— to Federal property no less— removed. I have demonstrated— time and time again— I have neither time nor tolerance for this crap. Seriously.

P.S.: This post is dedicated the incredibly motivated Chief of Staff of our City Councilman’s office: Ashley Thompson. This dedicated civil servant saw fit to send me a nastygram calling me (among other things) “hateful” and a “cyberbully” Friday night at 7:47 p.m. Getting a dressing-down about ethics— much less “bullying”—  from someone who is albeit two degrees removed from “Gropez” and the machine his protege (her boss) is eagerly facilitating— well, that speaks for itself.

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