Greenwick Photos Du Jour: More Urban Fur

March 19, 2009 by
Filed under: Bushwick, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 


Meserole Street


Maspeth Avenue


North 12 Street


Norman Avenue*


Manhattan Avenue


Franklin Street

Miss Heather

*This lovely photograph comes courtesy of Mugsniffer. He knows premium pussy when he sees it!


2 Comments on Greenwick Photos Du Jour: More Urban Fur

  1. bitchcakes on Thu, 19th Mar 2009 5:52 pm
  2. I love that photo from Maspeth Ave! Not only is it a beautiful cat, but the shades of blue and gray are so lovely! (And that nod to mugsniffer was pretty awesome)

  3. greenstreetgoblin on Fri, 20th Mar 2009 12:49 pm
  4. what is the story with that guy who lives in the lot? (Last photo)…

    i’ve seen him in the summer working out on his outdoor benchpress…and he’s in the car during the cold months.

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