Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Happy May Day From The Viridian

May 1, 2009 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


This post is dedicated to the workers busy readying the Viridian for habitation today.


All one of you.


As you can see your creation has gained a measure recognition from the community. Albeit in a semantically flawed manner: your ugly building is, in fact, rental property.


Then again, if it wasn’t so ugly (and over-priced, for that matter) it may very well still be a condominium.


I suppose it really doesn’t matter anymore. But if I may make a suggestion…


running a two by four through the door handles of your building isn’t exactly going to lure prospective tenants.

Miss Heather


One Comment on Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Happy May Day From The Viridian

  1. mikki on Tue, 5th May 2009 12:35 pm
  2. This will sound creepy no matter how I write it, but I saw you take this photo! I was walking up the street and saw your group, with you taking photos, then heard someone call you “Heather.” “Could it be…? I thought–and now I see it was!

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