Search for the Siding-est Street in Greenpoint

September 14, 2007 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Vinyl Siding 

Russell Street


I have decided a new project is in order: determining which block in Greenpoint has the most houses sheathed in vinyl siding. Given the scope and seriousness of this project I need help from you, dear readers. Those of you who want to nominate a block*, please shoot me an email at missheather (at) newyorkshitty (dot) com.

You immediate attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.


Miss Heather

*I also want to make it clear that any tips about new stuff going on in The Garden Spot (especially art openings and other cultural events) are greatly appreciated. I like giving other artists a little exposure— but please give me as much advance notice as possible. I can be forgetful at times.


One Comment on Search for the Siding-est Street in Greenpoint

  1. greenpointers on Fri, 14th Sep 2007 1:24 pm
  2. My vote is for the block I grew up on – Humboldt between Nassau and Driggs! Very siding-oriented! My house was a lovely doo-doo brown siding back in the day that my parents invested in to covering up the sparkly green one below it.

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