Quicklink: By Their Friends Ye $hall Know Them…


Ever wondered who this fellow is? I know I have. This is because I see his mug all over north Brooklyn.

QCscreencapCIAFANOWell, Queens Crap has the low-down. Here’s a teaser:

Astoria attorney John Ciafone is running for City Council District 22 (Astoria) to replace outgoing Peter Vallone, Jr. He has run previously for the council as well as for the assembly… What you may not know is that Ciafone currently appears on Public Advocate Bill DeBlasio’s slumlord list (for a property located in Greenpoint no less — Ed. Note). To his credit, he is on the “most improved” list, having reduced his violations from 195 to 2. He tried to donate to DeBlasio, but it was returned. Local council member/Vito Lopez protege Steve Levin and Queens BP candidates Peter Vallone and Melinda Katz apparently have no qualms about keeping his money, however…

Read it for yourselves here.


Otherwise, I will leave you with this footage from a campaign event from Christopher Olechowski’s campaign for 50th Assembly District Democratic Party Male Leader. At 0:28 you can see John J. Ciafone, Esquire, himself…

I encourage you all, gentle readers, to give ALL these videos (there are five total) a watch. They’re, um, interesting.

(Image Credit: Ciafone making aluminum siding look good comes courtesy of Queens Crap)

Great Moments In Vinyl Siding: Different Is Beautiful!



This lovely specimen hails from Judge Street in Elmhurst and was captured today, June 16, 2013. Cheers!

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool, Part III: Shadowplay

April 1, 2013 ·
Filed under: New York City, Vinyl Siding 


Taken by notontv.

New York Shitty Day Ender: Metropolitan Avenue

This study in aluminum siding was taken today, August 2nd, 2012.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Neighbors

June 13, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Vinyl Siding 


Taken by autovac.

Greenpoint Photo du Jour: Hearts & Siding

February 14, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Vinyl Siding 

From Driggs Avenue.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Siding Sampler

January 15, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Vinyl Siding 

Vinyl x 3

This vision hails from Norman Avenue and comes courtesy of the camera of Diana Gee.

Miss Heather

Quicklink: As “Quoted” In The New York Times

This morning started on anything but an auspicious note here at Chez Shitty. You see, on top of (still) having no heat the Mister and I have been doled out the further indignity of having no hot water. Being the kind of people who engage in regular hygiene (READ: take showers) this did not go unnoticed. As a result yours truly was awakened by stream of profanity authored by the Mister which was— by even my jaded standards— rather impressive. He ended up heating water on the stove in order to bathe himself. It was like something out of the Great Depression. But I digress.

I reluctantly got out of bed, checked my inbox and found the following missive from my buddy Evan. He writes:

You get quoted on page A32 of today’s NYT.

As you can imagine I found this of tremendous interest— especially since I have not in recent memory been contacted by a reporter from said newspaper. I asked for more information. I got it:

As you can see I am or more accurately— my web site-is— in fact quoted in the New York Times. What seems to be missing is a link to the blog post in question. The deal is (and at the expense of flogging a dead horse) this: if the Times can see fit to print a quote from yours truly the least this august institution can do is acknowledge the post from which it originated. I am not accepting “we can’t link to that profane url” for an answer, either. I have erected a mirror site with a less objectionable url for just this reason. Lastly, if St. Stanislaus Kostka— a church— can throw me a link, I see no reason the Times cannot follow suit.

Miss Heather

UPDATE, 12:10 p.m.: I would like to take a moment to thank a very nice Greenpointer for offering access to his/her shower. He/she writes:

Hi, Heather…I have an extra bathroom and I’m generally gone by 7:45.  You and your husband are more than welcome to shower at my place on Eagle St if you wish.  Yeah, I know it’s weird, but I like to think I live in a community and neighbors are supposed to help each other.  So, there ya go.  If you need a last resort, I’ll help out.

Not only is this offer greatly appreciated, I am seriously mulling it over!


November 4, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Vinyl Siding 

Chris “Smitty” Smith promised and has delivered: genuine Greenpoint mugs including one which pays homage to one of our neighborhood’s most prominent features: siding!

The G Spot
199 Green Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

UPDATE, November 5, 2010: I have gotten word from Chris these mugs are $10.00 a pop…

and there are also clutch purses and journals for sale at $40.00 and $15.00 respectively. Who says siding can’t be stylish!

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part III: St. Stan’s To Be Renovated?

August 20, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Vinyl Siding 

This item comes from a tipster who would like to remain anonymous. He/she writes:


August 20, 2010

“The church has been an eyesore for many years, and it looks like they finally raised enough money to spruce it up a little.” says Greenpoint resident, Marek Borkowski.

Local sources are claiming that the St. Stanislaus Kostka cathedral in Greenpoint will undergo significant renovations to its exterior beginning in early November, 2010. The renovations are meant to bring the current facade more in line with neighborhood aesthetic standards, as well as serve to hopefully attract a younger crop of parishioners.

The St. Stanislaus Kostka cathedral, erected in 1896, is also rumored to be rebranded as “The Stan.”

What can we expect, you ask? Well, if the renderings my intrepid tipster has gotten his (her?) hands on are any indication, we are in for something very special. Without further ado, here they are!

Miss Heather

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