Mildly Disturbing Image of the Day

September 15, 2007 by
Filed under: Crazy People, Greenpoint Magic 

Guenrsey Street Hydrant

I got a chuckle out of this skewed fire hydrant on Guernsey Street last night. If I had a dollar for every piece of property I have seen that was mowed down or jacked-up by the shitty drivers here,* I’d be a very wealthy woman.

Texas Tea

Shouldn’t these things have water in them or something? Filling fire hydrants with petroleum strikes me as being counter-productive. Then again, this IS Greenpoint.

Miss Heather

*If you’re wondering, my favorite to date was the clock in front of the Garden. Remember that? It was up-ended by a truck and the driver elected to take it with him.


One Comment on Mildly Disturbing Image of the Day

  1. d on Sat, 15th Sep 2007 6:07 pm
  2. I walk by that a lot and today was wondering about the rust on it – it obviously happened quite a while ago. It is disturbing that it hasn’t been fixed, and a mere few blocks from the Greenpoint police precinct too. There was miniature poo on Guernsey today also, I even thought about New York Shitty when I saw it. It must’ve been like chihuahua poo.

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