‘Tis The Season: 1059 Manhattan Avenue

December 4, 2007 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Snuffi Hates Hipsters

Who is this Snuffi and why does he hate hipsters so, I wonder?

Roughing up Muppets

Maybe it has something to do with this? Figment of Big Bird’s imagination or not, Snuffi’s jihad against cool 20-somethings appears to have a body count.

Blood in front of Tommy’s Tavern

I’d mind my p’s and q’s if I were you.*

Miss Heather

*Obvious someone at Tommy’s Tavern didn’t.


One Comment on ‘Tis The Season: 1059 Manhattan Avenue

  1. ickyinbrooklyn on Tue, 4th Dec 2007 7:25 pm
  2. That last picture … so GROSS! (And yet, so awesome. The muppet killings are pretty cool too.)

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