
April 1, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


I found this product gracing a shelf laden with an assortment of anti-headache and diarrheal medicines at Bagel on the Run. At a mere $2.50 a pop I had to own one for posterity. Given that this neighborhood recently received lavishly illustrated signs admonishing the citizenry not to drink in public parks, I am certain this product will be a big hit.

Miss Heather


3 Comments on AntiWHAT?!?

  1. rowan on Tue, 1st Apr 2008 3:00 pm
  2. original flavor: what other flavors are available? and did you taste this one?

  3. Xris (Flatbush Gardener) on Sun, 13th Apr 2008 11:07 am
  4. So, I had to check out the Web site printed on the package.

    “What’s it for? – It is superior to any other breath freshener or gum because it will not leave you smelling like a fruit.”

    Well, now I know. Apparently effective on other oral odors.

    The testimonials are most revealing of the target demographic.

    “My children dislike the smell of beer and refuse to come near me. – Joe, Kansas” (If this doesn’t work, he’ll try beating them less often.)

    “My cocktail parties are no longer offensive to my family – Kathryn, Florida” (Now it’s just her.)

    “I bet that my colleagues didn’t like the way my breath smelled for I found them usually wanting to sit away from me. – Douglas, California” (That’s not the only reason.)

    “I get back my normal breath even after I have had considerable amount of my favorite drink. – Mike, New York” (Yes, after he’s through choking on his own vomit.)

  5. missheather on Mon, 14th Apr 2008 10:44 am
  6. NICE!

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