From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: And Now Fish Oil?

(Or, A Greenpoint Gets A Healthy Spill*)

This latest installment of mayhem from the Garden Spot comes from a gentleman named Todd. He writes:

Apparently there was a giant fish oil spill on Franklin and Greenpoint last night resulting in car accidents, people slipping and tripping, and other various keystone cops/laurel and hardy type LOLZ.  Do you know anything about this? …A friend witnessed it but did not take pictures.  She did however talk to a cop at the scene, asking ‘why don’t you just close off the intersection?’  The response was ‘lack of manpower’.  I guess you need the National Guard to set up for wooden horses to close off an intersection.

This is news to me. Anyone out there have the 411 about this? If so, please share via comments or send me an email at missheather (at) newyorkshitty (dot) com.


Miss Heather

*Special props go to Brenda Becker for this piquant observation!


4 Comments on From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: And Now Fish Oil?

  1. rowan on Thu, 8th Jul 2010 11:00 am
  2. I walked past the fish oil spill shortly after 8:30pm. A fire truck and a bus blocked the section of Greenpoint Ave between Franklin and Manhattan, effectively closing off the intersection. One car had crashed into another and the air stank of fish. I saw one cop car and a quite a few firefighters. Looked like FDNY had the manpower.

  3. janimpala on Fri, 9th Jul 2010 7:22 pm
  4. I wonder if its those same guys with the dirty light cab over truck with the giant white plastic fishtank bolted to the frame. This is so they can transport live fish. Once in a while they take a turn too fast and have an oopsie.

    I do have an personal eye witness account, a few years back I had just gotten off the BQE southbound and was waiting at the light at Flushing and the BQE service road. This fish truck tried to take the turn heading up to the ramp of the BQE too fast and tight, the truck going on three wheels and then settling down, dumping a liquid live load over. Live fish flipping all over, fishy water all over, two tired guys trying to catch them so they keep their job, curious Hasids wandering into the scene and slipping on the fishy water, cars spinning their wheels going through it. Heavy fishy fishy smell. It was a good thing to see after a rough day. Cue the silent movie music!

  5. neighborhood threat on Mon, 12th Jul 2010 10:35 am
  6. We came home from the ballgame that night and Franklin Street, from Freeman down past Calyer, was COVERED in sand. My first thought was some kind of spill.

  7. missheather on Mon, 12th Jul 2010 10:38 am
  8. And it spill it was! I’m surprised the neighborhood strays did not come out en masse for a tasty treat!

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