From The New York Shitty Inbox: Dog Run?

August 3, 2010 by
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

M writes:

Hi Heather

I’ve been following your blog for over a year now and I absolutely love it!  I wanted to leave a comment on your recent post about Transmitter Park.  I registered, but I still cannot figure out how to leave a comment?  Help?

Basically my comment is this :  Do you know if there are plans to include a dog run in the new park?


I will take up the matter of comments with this person directly. However, I will answer her second question here and now. No, there will not be a dog run at Transmitter Park.* However, one is slated for Bushwick Inlet Park. It will be located near Bushwick Inlet. The completion date methinks is 2012. In other words, it looks like Greenpoint dog owners (at least the ones up north) will have to schlep for awhile.

Miss Heather

*You can see the latest plan by clicking here.


6 Comments on From The New York Shitty Inbox: Dog Run?

  1. threehz on Tue, 3rd Aug 2010 9:50 am
  2. totally ridiculous that there wont be a dog run. does anyone know if dogs will be allowed at all (on leash)? if not, maybe someone needs to organize a “dog in” where everyone shows up to the park with their dogs in protest. there are so many dog owners in the neighborhood who have been using that park, did they even do any research about what people who live here actually want? also, whats with the unnecessary “play area”? people cant take their kids to one of the many other parks or playgrounds nearby? weak.

  3. missheather on Tue, 3rd Aug 2010 10:22 am
  4. Dogs should be allowed on leash. That’s pretty much a given for any NYC Park.

    You write: did they even do any research about what people who live here actually want?

    Yes, they did. Among other things this plan was presented at CB1 a couple years ago. Attendees were encouraged to (and DID) ask questions. Speaking as former member of the Friends of NYC Transmitter Park I can tell you a number of folks (myself included) had concerns about the entrance being on Kent Street (as opposed to Greenpoint Avenue). Foremost we were concerned about pedestrian traffic (let’s face facts: Greenpoint Avenue is better equipped to handle it) and safety. By all appearances these concerns were ignored. Instead we were told there would be a second entrance on Greenpoint Avenue.

  5. eaglestreeter on Tue, 3rd Aug 2010 10:46 am
  6. What does it matter whether it is officially designated with a dog run…no one in Greenpoint from my experience at this park gives a shit anyway. Every single day I’ve been in there with my dog ON LEASH as are the rules and some idiot pops through the gate and immediately lets their dog off leash. Guess what happens next? Yeah. I don’t see any indication that this will change just because the park gets redesigned and expanded. Unless of course the parks department actually starts enforcing their own rules. I won’t be holding my breath.

  7. SpillConspirator on Tue, 3rd Aug 2010 12:41 pm
  8. We always felt that a dog run was necessary in N.Greenpoint. For years, folks have been bringing their dogs onto the Newtown Barge Playground softball area, which isn’t good for the dog owners or the kids. There are responsible dog owners and not so responsible dog owners. Some pick up after their dog. Some don’t. Greenpoint Playground actually lost it’s swings for larger children( yes there were swings ) because dogs were using the rubbery swings as chew toys. The Parks Dept got tired of it & removed the swings.

    But there are responsible dog owners who would appreciate and use a dog run. We would definitely support it. We feel that when a dog run exists, there are eyes on the playground and park. Less drug use occurs.

    The problem with creating a dog run at Newtown Barge Playground & Greenpoint Playground has been that playgrounds are for a particular park user group, children. Also, there is little space at both playgrounds. It’s difficult to get the current Parks Dept staff to think out of the box in dealing with such problems and conflicts. I’m sure there’s a solution out there somewhere.

    At one time, Newtown Barge Playground had only two, half court basketball courts. Parks personal claimed there was no space for a full court. We advocated for a full court. Then we encountered some forward thinking Parks Staff, who worked with us to design a full court that didn’t conflict with the softball field and so on. Solutions can happen when Park Staff work with park groups. The current Parks Dept staff are VERY difficult to work and do not appreciate the input of all Parks groups.

    I recommend calling 311 and complaining about the difficulty and the lack of a dog run. You can feel free to send your name & complaint #’s to me so that a record of that list appears in one spot. Also, feel free to contact me to join Barge Park Pals. We can certainly use a volunteer base.

    Laura Hofmann
    Barge Park Pals

  9. graham on Tue, 3rd Aug 2010 1:00 pm
  10. Bushwick Inlet Park is not a good option for most Greenpoint dog owners. Almost everyone within easy walking distance of it lives within easy walking distance of the other two dog parks in the neighborhood. It’ll be better for folks in Williamsburg, but not so much for Greenpoint.

    It would be so much better to put a dog run in Transmitter Park or Newtown Barge Park. That’s where dog owners are under served, and that’s why the temporary Transmitter Park became a defacto dog run, and that’s why Newtown Barge Park has dogs in it most mornings.

    If the Park’s Department actually went out and watched how people used their spaces instead of asking around, assuming CB1 knows best, and collecting surveys at concerts and other carpet-bagging events, they’d get a better idea of what people really want. In urban planning, adaptation is a harbinger.

  11. missheather on Tue, 3rd Aug 2010 5:10 pm
  12. @ Graham: I’m with you on this one 100%. Btw, I LOVE ‘carpet-bagging events’. That’s going to find itself into a blog post. STAT!

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