From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Over Here

September 8, 2010 by
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

over here

This vision hails from Green Street and comes courtesy of autovac. On that note, dear readers, I will be leaving you for a bit. Yours truly has had a very lively morning. One which started about two hours before she would have liked with the Mister informing her that the bath tub was backed up. I surveyed the scene and sure enough it was— with some kind of black crud. It looked like English Kills blew chunks. But I digress.

I would like to take a minute to tender my sincerest gratitude to our super, Michael, for remedying this problem. The task before him required variety of (and in one case, improvised) tools and a LOT of good ol’ fashioned elbow grease. Methinks I heard him utter the word “shit” no less than three times. He also called our drain a “bitch” in Polish*. I have to confess I had to suppress a chuckle at that one— but it seemed work: shortly thereafter the drain gave up the “goods”. If you can call such stuff that. Thanks again, Michael. Now if you don’t mind I am off to purchase some Ajax. I can assure you it is sorely needed.

Miss Heather

*Over the years yours truly has, albeit very slowly, learned a little Polish. Currently my vocabulary is limited to the following:

  • Good morning
  • I do not speak Polish.
  • Bitch

Obviously I have a ways to go. Perhaps this will be my project for the remainder of the year? I would really like to thank Michael in his mater lingua. When I exclaimed “Hallelujah” at the sight of that muck going down the drain (where it belongs) he replied “63”. After a little more dialoging I deduced that he thought I was asking him how old he is. Failure. To. Communicate.


2 Comments on From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Over Here

  1. rutila on Wed, 8th Sep 2010 2:02 pm
  2. Here’s a site to help your Polish vocabulary.

    Dziekuje means thank you.

  3. missheather on Wed, 8th Sep 2010 7:50 pm
  4. I look forward to some in person lessons from you, rutila. Preferably over dinner and/or drinks. We’ll cover the basics (like “yes”, “no”, “please”, “thank you” and numbers) and then get to the “good” stuff. In return I’ll teach you some Spanish! 😉

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