Way To Go MGM Demo!

May 18, 2008 by
Filed under: Asshole, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

(Or Would That Be MMG Design?) Yes, it would appear that Marie Grasso has earned yet another Stop Work Order in our fine borough!

On May 2, 2008 I wrote:

This is 186 Green Street. Or should that be this was 186 Green Street?* Note the new name for her business: MGM Demolition. This ploy is elegant in its simplicity: instead of addressing her firm’s less than professional conduct, just change the name of the firm and hope no one notices. Brilliant! Anyone care to place bets as to when this site will get hit with its first Stop Work Order?

Miss Heather writes May 18, 2008: if anyone out there bet ten days (after May 2) for 186 Green Street to get a Stop Work Order, you win!!!

And everyone else loses.

Marie Grasso has accrued quite a collection of Stop Work Orders. They do not seem to change her firm’s behavior. She continues to shill her services and developers still see fit to hire her. When will this stop?

Miss Heather


2 Comments on Way To Go MGM Demo!

  1. kgregory on Wed, 11th Jun 2008 1:54 pm
  2. These people suck. As you may know, yesterday was a parking holiday. Monday was too! It was a delight. That is, until yesterday evening when I left my house and saw a tow truck going up Green Street the wrong way. I thought to myself “must be some sort of emergency.”

    Yeah, some emergency: these jerks needed to get my car out of their way. A neighbor says they came around 5:00pm and posted their “no parking” signs (there were no signs posted prior, probably because the stop-work order on this property was just lifted a couple days ago) and promptly called the police to get me a ticket and towed. The tow truck guy, who received the brunt of my hostility (the sanctity of the parking holiday, the extreme heat, and the absolute asshole-ishness of this little post and run sort of set me off), even told me he was sorry and that they tried to delay coming because I hadn’t been given enough warning, but “someone from this site kept calling their office to get the car removed.”

    Well, fuck you too. I managed to evoke an apology from someone who identified himself as the “super” this morning (“gee, we’re sorry, I can’t imagine who called”), but I’m still out the hundred bucks I had to pay the towing co. so they wouldn’t take my car and now I have to contest a $95.00 parking ticket.

    I encourage everyone on Green Street to hold these people to every letter of the law as they build what will, of course, be another piece of bullshit luxury.

  3. cb on Mon, 5th Oct 2009 6:06 am
  4. If anyone sees a new construction site where MMG is working please share that information – besided being a horror of a contractor she also doesn’t pay her bills.

    We’re a small business in Greenpoint/Williamsburg she stiffed royally!!!!

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