New York Shitty Day Ender: Chez Shitty Gets A Very Special Christmas Present!

(Or: Mystery Solved!)

This is a close-up of our living room window. As you will notice there is has a hole in it. This phenomenon has been the source of considerable debate in Chez Shitty for some time.

How did it get there?

We have asked ourselves. Alas to no avail. Until today and courtesy of Jerzy tearing down the drapery rod gracing said window, that is.

This is what the Mister discovered when he endeavored to hang the aforementioned rod back up. The round item at the far right is a BB. For those of you who are not in the know, these are generally discharged from fire arms. Yup.

Happy Greenpoint Christmas to all, and to all a good-night…

SLH (on the behalf of Miss Heather)

P.S.: The Mister and I have our suspicions as to who was the author of this misdeed. The Mister describes him as follows:

That little bastard who likes to shine the laser pointer in our window.


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