Meanpoint Photo du Jour: Noble Street

June 23, 2008 by
Filed under: Asshole, Greenpoint Magic 

Remember that standee of his girlfriend Olympia placed at the corner of Franklin Street and Noble Street for her birthday? Well, over the weekend it received a few modifications.

This is not witty. This is not funny. This is a heartless act of vandalism perpetrated by a person bereft of any sense of compassion whose self-esteem is derived by denigrating others. I have no doubt Olympia spent a lot of time working on this. It was very much a labor of love. How long did it take some anonymous asshole to destroy it? Probably five minutes. Way to go, jerkoff!

I have a better idea: why doesn’t the person who saw fit to vandalize this work of art go to hell?

Miss Heather


13 Comments on Meanpoint Photo du Jour: Noble Street

  1. jake_tuff on Mon, 23rd Jun 2008 2:32 pm
  2. Whether one liked this thing or not is irrelevant. I’m curious as what kind of person this evoked such a strong reaction from as to make them want to deface it and also think they really have made a cultural statement.

  3. missheather on Mon, 23rd Jun 2008 2:34 pm
  4. I do not disagree with you, Jake.

    Like it or not, why not just leave the damned thing alone? Pathetic.

  5. Victoria on Mon, 23rd Jun 2008 2:39 pm
  6. What??!!! I just had my picture taken with the cut-out yesterday evening around 5pm. So this must have happened overnight last night. Don’t people have anything better to do than to act like ignorant pricks and f*** with other people’s stuff? This really pisses me off.

  7. taratory on Mon, 23rd Jun 2008 2:46 pm
  8. People can be such jerks.

  9. handsomemcdracula on Mon, 23rd Jun 2008 4:54 pm
  10. I just got wind of this saga via Gawker, but I’m a regular NYSHITTY reader, too. I took a look at the links, and it sounds great – the project – thoughtful and sweet.

    I have to note, though, that the remainder of the images uploaded on that user’s flickr account are stencil graffiti and wheatpasted self-promotion. (Perhaps they aren’t his own pieces, but I’d doubt it.) I find that crap incredibly self-indulgent and destructive. I’m guessing having his work defaced will maybe give him a taste of the destruction he reeks on other’s property.

    That still doesn’t mean that it’s deserved, of course. I just things should be viewed in context. I don’t deny that this seems mean-spirited, though.

  11. neighborhood threat on Mon, 23rd Jun 2008 5:23 pm
  12. It would be easy to blame this on a newcomer to Greenpoint, who still thinks they live out at the Morgan dorms, but given the circumstances I believe it’s likely someone who didn’t get enough of their own attention for their art and thus gets their kicks from defacing someone else’s.

    Sunday night was a tough night. Tons of fireworks being set off a block away from this. Wonder if they’re related.

  13. Stella Kevlar on Mon, 23rd Jun 2008 7:28 pm
  14. Heather, thanks for your nice words on this! We definitely expected it to be defaced over the weeks it was up, but I guess I never expected it to be defaced in such a premeditated way. It is what it is, though, and I’m glad it was up for as long as it was!

    If you’re interested in seeing the many people who DID get a chance to be photographed with Birthday Girl, you can look at ry’s photostream here:

    And thanks for your own contribution to her!

  15. workingeva on Mon, 23rd Jun 2008 9:36 pm
  16. I am sorry to have missed it. It was an ispired, fun and original piece. Shame on the mean stupid idiot who destroyed it.

  17. Dewitt Clinton on Mon, 23rd Jun 2008 11:16 pm
  18. Seems apropos.

    Ten years ago no one would have put up “art” on a street pole. For that matter no one would have put up art on a polish street!

    Now when Poles try to make a little art in Greenpoint they get Miss Heather and her Connecticut friends lambasting them for having too much fun.

    Seems kind of shitty to me camera girl.

  19. Drunkgirl on Tue, 24th Jun 2008 1:15 am
  20. Aw, that was a cute girlfriend stand-up! However, forgive me for what is about to be a massive leap, but it’s hard for me to trust the integrity of street art or performance art at all these days when it’s all like “Here’s my abortion blood and my tortured dog! No seriously!” And then the thing gets crazy responses and the turnaround explanation is a smug, “Haha, you idiots. This dog and my fetuses are just fine. This art was all about getting a rise out of people and rises off the rises and more rises from when I tell them it was all a scam. Or was it? It wasn’t. It was?”

    This was a cute project/gift but what if the project/gift was all to illicit our love and smoosh from out our emocores, only to then smack it back down with this fake heinous crime? Sigh, probably not though. Boy I should learn to trust people again! If it were just an art project it would have probably been burned, hung from a tree or taken to Connecticut. Now that would have been a statement!

    Well anyhow, it was cute while it lasted and CT isn’t that far away. Allegedly they have mysteriously good pizza.

    I hope a whole legion of girlfriends pops up around town. I’d like to see how many survive or if all succumb.

  21. peteywheatstraw on Tue, 24th Jun 2008 5:57 pm
  22. Despite the fact that ten years ago “no one would have put up art on a Polish street,” doesn’t excuse something that is just plain mean. It’s like kicking a puppy for being too cute. I didn’t think it was especially great art but it was pretty heartbreaking to witness the result.

  23. lisanne therese on Tue, 24th Jun 2008 9:30 pm
  24. I ‘m a bit shocked about how shocked everyone is. As shiny and happy as our fair city has become, this is what happens in New York City! We practically INVENTED grafitti (please dont’ get all art historical correct on me i know the cavemen actually did) although I know that is not, it was a warm and loving valentine to his girl, it might of annoyed some bitter old divorcees like me but It had a good long run, bully for the boyfriend, this is a story you will be telling to your grandchildren… I guess it’s the “go back to connecticut” that’s getting everyone’s ire up, very personal. Be tough… youse all supposed to be new yorkers now!

  25. rheingold on Tue, 24th Jun 2008 9:59 pm
  26. You should see the graffiti in Rome. Some wall scrawlings go on for a paragraph or more, complete with elaborate punctuation. Sometimes the artist even thinks to throw in a graphic icon, like a hammer and sickle or soccer club logo. That doesn’t mean they can’t do short and sweet too–“Berlusconi vafanculo!” gets right to the point.

    Freakin’ Italians know how to live, capice?

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