Greenpoint Photos du Jour: Vandalism!

July 11, 2008 by
Filed under: Asshole, Greenpoint Magic 

Just as Peter Vallone Jr. prognosticated, the guys at Alphabeta have precipitated a wave of mindless vandalism in the neighborhood!

Oh wait, the peeps at East Coast Aliens* actually asked Alphabeta to decorate their security gate. Go figure.

Regardless I was outraged by this flagrant act of art-making in front of Christina’s Restaurant last night. Is this what our society has come to? Juvenile delinquency trickling up to septuagenarians?

Fellow Greenpointers, if you see someone expressing him/herself don’t ask questions or bother our elected officials. Report it immediately to Peter Vallone Jr.

Peter Vallone Jr.
22-45 31st Street
Astoria, NY 11105
(718) 274-0007
vallone4ny (at) gmail (dot) com

He clearly has our best interests at heart.

Miss Heather

*Whose schedule will be limited this summer, but they’re having a fundraiser for Barack Obama July 26. Check out their calendar for details.


One Comment on Greenpoint Photos du Jour: Vandalism!

  1. bitchcakes on Fri, 11th Jul 2008 12:11 pm
  2. I have been waiting to blog about this guy and almost did last night! He talks to me all the time- I also saw him last night, in front of Christina’s (exactly as he is photographed above) and he told me his next “piece” is for me! Perhaps that’s a sneak peak at the masterpiece I am about to receive.

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