From The New York Shitty Inbox: More Crane Hell

A person we’ll call “B” writes:

Dear Miss Heather,
We read with interest the entire “incident on west st” story because we think what we experienced (which pales in comparison) is related.  On Eagle betw. West and Franklin they are building a pricey soundstage–or rebuilding it perhaps. The afternoon and night of the 24th cranes were being brought in to build the roof–steel trusses and cranes. These must be the same cranes that were coming down West street in the other incident(s) described. Anyway…there is a residential parking lot right across from the soundstage–it was blocked all day as was the entire block.  We were supposed to drive our special needs child to a medical appointment but the lot was blocked completely by steel whatnots, equipment, cranes etc.  Nobody had warned us that, say, for 12 or more hours everyone with a car could not get in or out–no posters, no courtesy flyers, nix.  We didn’t believe they had a permit to just take over the whole street and block the lot so my husband called 311; they did nothing and confessed they knew nothing but said we could call the precinct–gee thanks. My husband called the precinct (we were already late for the appointment at this point). They said “yeah we know about it–they’ll probably be done sometime this evening–nothing we can do about it.” No apologies nor did they state the construction crew had a permit (they seemed to avoid that question)–just admitted that they knew about it. I asked the Mr. to give a try going out and asking them to pwetty please move the cranes and or trusses so we could get our disabled kid to the doctors. Let’s just say the construction guys were far less than pleasant—nasty would be the word. Clearly they knew they could do what the f they pleased and nobody (certainly not the police) would do a dang thing about it.  Is this because the entire nyc film industry employs many cops – is it a union thing? a teamster thing?  I dunno but clearly the glory of reality tv (which graces said sound stage) usurps the rights of normal schubs like us and blocking active driveways is fine and dandy if you’re with the crew.  Don’t ask how late we were to the medical appointment. The following day the Mister needed to get out of the lot again.  The cranes were gone, but not the trucks and dross blocking the lot–again, a residential lot we pay for–not their lot.  When asked nicely if they could move, the construction dudes told him “We’ll think about it after we f’ing finish our beers.” And they did. For ten minutes while the Mr waited and watched them (having no choice if he wanted to keep his teeth). It is not without irony that we are glad to know they have the full support of Greenpoint’s finest.  Any ideas how the community at large can do something about these privileged meatheads as clearly the normal complaint routes are all blocked?

As I stated yesterday I have been on contact with our Community Board’s Transportation Chair, Karen Nieves, about  this. Here’s where things stand as of today:

1. She wants to set up a meeting between herself, the offending company(ies) and the Department of Transportation.
2. She is going to raise this issue at the next community board meeting. I would strongly recommend that and all who have had issues of this nature show up and sign up to speak:

Community Board 1 Public Hearing & Board Meeting
June 14, 2011 starting at 6:30 p.m. (you need to sign up to speak before 6:15 p.m.)
Swinging 60’s Senior’s Center
211 Ainslie Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211

You should also consider going to the next Transportation Committee Meeting

Community Board 1 Transportation Committee Meeting
June 21, 2011 starting at 6:30 p.m.
Community Board 1 Main Office
435 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

3. Here’s the deal: Ms Nieves is just as— if not more so— troubled by what happened in front of Red Star Bar as the rest of us. However, she cannot help us out if she does not know there’s a problem! When incidences such as what we have learned about this week come to pass please call 311, file a complaint and forward the complaint number along with a description of what happened to Ms. Nieves via her Community Board 1 email address,, and the address Community Board 1 proper:

4. Since there is some measure of criminal activity seemingly involved (and our newish Deputy Inspector, Terence Hurson, is a very strong advocate for traffic enforcement) I would strongly encourage people to attend the next 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting and speak up! He’ll listen.

94th Precinct Community Council
June 16 20, 2011 starting at 7:30 p.m.
The Church of The Ascension
127 Kent Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

5. And of course you should contact your elected officials! Here’s a couple for starters:

City Councilman Steve Levin’s Office
410 Atlantic Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Phone: (718) 875-5200
Fax: (718) 643-6620

State Assemblyman Joseph Lentol
619 Lorimer Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Phone: (718) 383-7474
Email: (NOTE: this is the email address for his Community Liaison in Albany)

Miss Heather


One Comment on From The New York Shitty Inbox: More Crane Hell

  1. eagle_teater on Fri, 27th May 2011 9:37 am
  2. Yup. See them every morning. Seriously, it’s pitch fork time. Baseball bats or crowbars to break some windows on construction vehicles, etc. If they don’t want to exercise respect for the neighborhood voluntary, perhaps it’s time to show them whose neighborhood it is.

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