LAST GASP: What’s Up At Coco 66?

I have noticed a number of search query “hits” about this establishment on the back-end of my web site recently. So much so that this afternoon I did a walk by to see what’s up.

By all appearances Coco 66 appears to be shuttered…

and something is going on next door at Coco 68. This is very curious indeed! Now factor in an email I received this evening after meeting with a wonderful group of young ladies (about matters north Brooklyn). A person we’ll call ipfreely writes:

Hi Miss Heather,

Did something happen to Coco 66? Just wondering.!/sevagranik


Some of the people reading this tome are undoubtedly aware this establishment has had issues with “the authorities” before. Perhaps this incident is somehow related to what happened last year? In any case, if anyone reading this tome has the 411 on what happened please share via comments or email at missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com. You identity will remain anonymous if you so desire. Thanks!

UPDATE, July 13, 2011 3:08 p.m.: I have gotten the word from the man upstairs (that being none other than the head of the 94th himself, D.I. Hurson!) as to what happened. Here you go!

Miss Heather,  I noticed on your web page that you noticed that Coco 66 is closed. We did a joint operation Saturday with the State Liquor Authority Coco 66 was operating without a Liquor license. The owner was arrested and all the Liquor was order destroyed by the SLA.

UPDATE, July 14, 2011: Paper Magazine has a pretty good (if rather short) article as to what happened. Give it a read!

Miss Heather


2 Comments on LAST GASP: What’s Up At Coco 66?

  1. bleibtreu on Wed, 13th Jul 2011 1:16 am
  2. A visit to the state SLA website a few days ago made it clear that the liquor license expired on June 30. Presumably they continued serving. The current status shows that the license is now “active” again, but examine the dates and it’s still clear that it expired June 30 and was lapsed for a few days before being renewed.

    Interesting coincidence: the Mark Bar just reopened Tuesday June 12 after abruptly closing on July 1 because their license had expired at midnight June 30.

    And, want even more similar coincidental weirdness?

    With a few days left in June, the proprietors of Shayz Lounge apparently made a trip to Albany to renew their license without waiting for it to be processed via mail. That pic was posted 6/21. According to the SLA, their current license was effective 06/20/2011.

  3. mcgolrickheights on Wed, 13th Jul 2011 2:54 pm
  4. I’m just amazed at all the insane things that the owner of Coco HAS gotten away with. This is nothing. -former employee

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