The Greenpoint Blogosphere Goes To the Dogs!

August 25, 2008 by
Filed under: Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

Literally. Last night I was contacted by a fellow Greenpointer on a mission. Suzy writes:

dear miss heather,

would you be so kind as to take a gander at my blog?

today’s feature is BOB THE BARC DOG. i hope that you will consider adding this blog as a link in your blogroll; my aim is to get more exposure for the doggies from BARC…



p.s. bob is known as hope at the shelter.  my BF said we cannot call him that; as it is a girlie name, so we call him bob hope.

I do not agree with Suzy’s boyfriend. As it would happen we have a new semi-feral cat in our pride. I wanted to name it “Babka” but Mr. Heather panned the idea. Then I named it Sheba. Mr. Heather liked that name so we rolled with it. Until, that is, until we discovered Sheba was, in fact, a HEba. That changed everything.

Solomon didn’t seem to suit his temperament (he’s a bit of a asshole), so I named him Sue. Despite being trapped and having his “manhood” removed, “Sue” does not seem the least bit upset by his name. As long as I pony up the catnip pellets once a week and dole out the kibble on time he is puuuurfectly content. Otherwise it gets ugly.

Just like Mr. Cash, Sue likes to sing. Especially when he has not has his weekly allotment of catnip pellets. His venue of choice is outside my bedroom window. His audience is our resident felines. Sue likes to regale them with tales about the “nip” taken from his ear. Over so many beers. Sue is one bad dude (or fancies himself as such).

(Bob) Hope isn’t. Suzy writes:

Bob is darned near perfect, except that he does seem rather depressed. I’m waiting for him to come out of his shell, and will update this post over the next couple of days. We’re having a bob‒b‒que in his honor tomorrow night. I betcha he likes steak … just a hunch.

One more thing ‒ Bob makes his bed.

When I brought Bob home last night, I took a king ‒size quilt from the closet, laid it down and folded it in half. Bob took over from there…

we were watching tv, and I guess it was too loud for him, so he dragged his bed into the other room, folded it again, and went to sleep. Bob kinda rocks.

It’s a good thing that Bob is an arranger of bedclothes, as Bob really, really likes to sleep.

This poor fella has been in the care of the wonderful BARC shelter since APRIL! He was found on the street and brought to BARC by the cops. Bob weighs about 50 pounds, is about six years old, is neutered, and has all of his shots. He likes men, women, children, cats, and other dogs. I’m honestly trying to find something wrong with him, but, so far, no go.

Nor do any the lovely (and loving) dogs Suzy writes about on her blog. Check it out!

Miss Heather


3 Comments on The Greenpoint Blogosphere Goes To the Dogs!

  1. eddiebee on Mon, 25th Aug 2008 3:08 pm
  2. A lovely lady in Maine is in love with BOB! Sadly, (but with good reason) BARC is unable to offer out of state adoptions, so … BOB is available to a lucky resident of the EMPIRE I HEART NY state. GO BOB!

    UPDATE: BOB loped in the yard today. BOB is a loper!

    UPDATE: BOB is still perfect!

  3. rowan on Tue, 26th Aug 2008 4:58 pm
  4. i love how Bob makes his own bed. what a sweet face – if i didn’t have two cats and no room for more animals, i’d adopt Bob in a heartbeat.

  5. suzyO on Wed, 27th Aug 2008 3:54 pm
  6. problem solved! we are keeping BOB. i have determined that BOB is a Rhodesian Ridgeback mix, hence the loping, the dignified caution, and the indoor couch potato‒ism. he is an ANGEL. thanks, heather!

    p.s. everybody

    adopting an older dog is THE WAY to go. consider it.

    already trained, much calmer than a youngster, and ever so relieved and grateful for your love.

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