Word Of The Day: Pimpification

September 8, 2008 by
Filed under: Articles of Fedderization, Greenpoint Magic 

pimpification (pimp’-if-fic-ka-shen) n. Customizing a standard turn of the century four story walk-up using large quantities of stucco, glass and chrome. The end product should be jarringly out of context and garish, if not downright bizarre. —pimp’-i-fy’ v. (ified, fying, -fies) Not to be confused with crapification. See: Green Street.

First came the stucco and chrome. I called it Fedderized.

Then they painted the curb yellow and wrote “No Parking 24/7”. My neighbor parked there anyway. She got a ticket. She called the city; they got a citation and were ordered to correct it. Now the sidewalk reads “Parking 24/7”.

Then came the awning and garbage can holder.

I called these hilarious.

Finally the fancy doorbell next to an institutional grey sheet metal door caught my eye. Then it hit me: this was no mere act of crapification. This was something more.

This building has been PIMPIFIED!

Miss Heather


One Comment on Word Of The Day: Pimpification

  1. bitchcakes on Tue, 9th Sep 2008 1:00 pm
  2. oh my god, I love it!!! That’s hilarious (and garish!).

    Back when I had a car, I wondered about those spray painted “No Parking” notices in front of construction sites. I mean, it’s not advisable to park in an area with nails, broken glass, construction debris, etc but sometimes parking is limited and you have to. However, I always wondered about the legitimacy of those signs and wondered whether you could actually be ticketed/towed. It sounds like this cop took the sign seriously – but was he just filling a ticket quota?

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