New York Shitty Day Ender: Caption This

As my professors in art school often said:

Context is everything.

And by all appearances this concept appears to have been lost on this fan of our current Community Board 1 chair and aspiring 50th Assembly District Leader, Chris Olechowski. Or perhaps he (she?) has a sense dark sense of humor? Only he knows for certain. In any case, this Nassau Avenue business owner could have at least placed Mr. Olechowski’s visage in front of premium, two-ply asswipes. Standards, people!

P.S.: I have decided a prize is in order for anyone who sees fit to give this image a snappy caption. See “comments” for details.


10 Comments on New York Shitty Day Ender: Caption This

  1. SpillConspirator on Wed, 27th Jun 2012 10:01 pm
  2. LOL

  3. missheather on Wed, 27th Jun 2012 11:10 pm
  4. C’mon Spill Conspirator, take a shot at a caption. I’ll even toss in a pack of premium, soft, two ply toilet paper as a prize!

  5. mcgolrickheights on Thu, 28th Jun 2012 8:41 am
  6. I promise to wipe out public shitting in all parks by my comrades.

  7. mcgolrickheights on Thu, 28th Jun 2012 8:41 am
  8. On a more serious note, this guy is basically saying that if you’re not Polish, I don’t represent you.

  9. deadzebra on Thu, 28th Jun 2012 9:35 am
  10. Help wipe Lincoln off the ballot! Vote Olechowski.

    1000 fresh ideas for Brooklyn’s best side! Vote Olechowski.

    ..something something Restlerroom.

    I give up.

  11. missheather on Thu, 28th Jun 2012 1:39 pm
  12. Keep your eyes on the prize, north Brooklynites! Not one, not two, but FOUR rolls (218.8 square feet total) of extra soft asswipey goodness could be yours!


  13. richardk on Thu, 28th Jun 2012 2:09 pm
  14. His campaign is on a roll.

  15. missheather on Thu, 28th Jun 2012 3:48 pm
  16. Methinks you might be onto something, richardk. Instead of churning out copious posters and articles for “placement” in our local papers why don’t Mr. Olechowski’s backers/handlers simply print his campaign literature on actual toilet paper? Not everyone is conversant in Polish (or a registered Democrat, for that matter) but everyone in the 50th Assembly District shits. Asswipes for the masses, I say!

  17. richardk on Thu, 28th Jun 2012 3:58 pm
  18. Well, it would make an absorbing piece of campaign literature.

  19. missheather on Thu, 28th Jun 2012 4:01 pm
  20. I would like to humbly suggest that the “toilet tissue” in question mirror this fellow’s personality: abrasive as hell and with zero absorbancy whatsoever. Ordinarily being about as bright as an appliance bulb would render one unfit to be leadership material. Luckily for this fellow, this district is anything but ordinary.

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