Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Koi

This bit of much needed tranquility hails from Nassau Avenue which, as many of you are all too aware, is experiencing a great deal of upheaval lately due to construction. Yours truly got a taste of it yesterday at the intersection of Russell Street and Nassau Avenue. This is where a motorist, apparently unaware of the stop sign and a fellow directing traffic decided to proceed through the intersection and damned near hit yours truly in the process. The traffic monitor had this to say about this fellow’s intransigence:

Fucking idiot!

To wit, I clarified:

I beg to differ. Methinks fucking asshole is more apropos.

I look at it this way: having to reside or operate a business in the midst of this mayhem is bad. Having to preside over it— especially in 90+ degree weather— is probably worse. This post is for you, Mr. Traffic Monitor.


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