LAST GASP: & Now A Word From Christopher Olechowski

As it would happen, I had the pleasure of having a conversation with two individuals canvassing for this fellow earlier this evening. Initially I was content with simply recounting the hilarity on Facebook* and letting the subject go. However, when the above missive found its way to my inbox, well, I felt it was worth sharing. What I found particularly interesting (aside from the items I have seen fit to highlight and/or annotate) is Mr. Olechowski’s emphasis on safety. It reminded me of what I saw while walking by the McCarren Park Pool this afternoon. You see, he in his capacity as Chair of Community Board 1 this fellow was present at that (not so) “secret” meeting about the pool recently.

All in all, I counted ten police vehicles total. Yours truly almost shit her pants beholding the law enforcement at hand— and mind you, I was not even IN the pool! Numbers “1” and “2” were from the 94th Precinct. “2” and “5” were from the North Brooklyn Task Force (READ: The fellows who are called when serious shit hits the fan.). But what I found most interesting was in front of the pool’s entrance.

For those of you who are not in the know:

  1. “Impact” vehicles (and the officers who man them) are assigned to chronic high crime areas.
  2. The 75th Precinct (whose assistance pool-goers apparently require) is located in a high crime area: East New York, to be precise.

As some of you might recall, I spied a NYPD vehicle from the 83rd Precinct, which also has its fair share of problems, last week. And once again I’m asking myself:

Why are we allocating police manpower to this facility when it is clearly needed elsewhere?

But don’t take my word for it. Let’s compare CompStat numbers.

It is not my intent to criticize our Finest. They are simply following orders and I for one think D.I. Hurson has proven the be the best Commanding Officer we have seen in years (really). But is this the best possible use of their manpower? I for one do not think so.

I wish Mr. Olechowski would dedicate more time to addressing, say, the dearth of affordable housing here for ALL citizens rather than fear-mongering. In closing, I’d be remiss if I did not point out that while a purported proponent of “public safety”, I have not seen Mr. Olechowski at any Public Safety Committee meetings of Community Board 1 (over which he ostensibly presides as Chair) since the town hall meeting regarding the proposed homeless assessment center at 400 McGuinness. This came to pass in 2011.

* A few highlights:

Friend of Christopher Olechowski: Good evening, are you a registered Democrat?
Me: Yes.
FOCO: We’re spreading the word about Chris Olechowski.
Me: I know who he is. I’m voting against him.
FOCO: Are voting against him or for the other candidate.
Me: A little column a, a little column b.
FOCO: Why are you not voting for him?

(I give rather extensive feedback which ends with “This is highly questionable from an ethical point of view if you ask me”).

FOCO (while parsing through paperwork, presumably that of registered Democrats): Do you happen to know what apartment (Mr. Heather) lives in?
Me: As a matter of fact, I do. He’s my husband— and he is not voting for Mr. Olechowski either. In fact, I am telling everyone I know not to vote for him.
FOCO: Have a nice evening.

And of course there are these videos to consider:

Which comes via this web site (which does not, anywhere, disclose Mr. Olechowski’s party affiliation).

New York Shitty analysis: If Mr. Olechowski (or his hired guns) cannot even spell the sinecure in question correctly, he should not be elected to it.


8 Comments on LAST GASP: & Now A Word From Christopher Olechowski

  1. reagan9000 on Tue, 7th Aug 2012 12:58 am
  2. Hiya Heather – I don’t understand your latest interaction. Why is s/he asking about Mr. Heather??


  3. missheather on Tue, 7th Aug 2012 1:10 am
  4. Mr. Heather is a registered Democrat. Strangely enough, these folks (unlike the Lincoln Restler’s father, who also canvassed our building on his son’s behalf) were not interested in speaking to the other registered Democrats who reside in my building. It would appear courting the Latino vote is not their priority.

    That said, thanks for pointing out this ambiguous point! Methinks I have clarified it. I really appreciate it. Of late of I have had a lot of blog/Internet/I.T. problems in general. These are being trouble-shooted, one at a time. But nonetheless, they pose a distraction. Hence my appreciation to you!

  5. reagan9000 on Tue, 7th Aug 2012 1:38 am
  6. Odd that the candidate doesn’t mention his party affiliation on his web site.

  7. missheather on Tue, 7th Aug 2012 1:45 am
  8. reagan9000 on Tue, 7th Aug 2012 1:56 am
  9. Hey Heather – Yes – that’s the web site I’m curious about, since it doesn’t plainly describe his affiliation. Weird, eh?

    Does he say on his site whether he’s republican or democrat? I’ve e-mailed him to ask, but it’s not as obvious as it should be (er, to me, just in case it’s totally obvious 🙂
    Thanks! I read and love your site daily!!!

  10. missheather on Tue, 7th Aug 2012 1:59 am
  11. Here’s the registration info for that, his, site. (For shits and giggles).

    And no, Chris Olechowsi does not indicate his affiliation. Perhaps this should be taken up with the proper authorities?

  12. no no on Tue, 7th Aug 2012 7:44 am
  13. Setting aside his political affiliation of being in bed with the Vito Lopez crew and a “secret republican” confidant to represent the conservative religious values of the Hasidic and Polish communities; I can comfortably say no way to Chris O. because he is an absolute mental midget. Truly. He is an imbecile. This is a person who with all sincerity asked CB1 members what rooms were going to be rented for at a hotel when the board was discussing said hotel’s application for a liquor license for their bar. People laughed as if he was intimating a tawdry little punch line to a joke, but he was dead serious. He’s an idiot. He’s a puppet. He’s disengaged from the community he is supposed to serve.

  14. missheather on Tue, 7th Aug 2012 10:54 am
  15. It should be noted that Republican-leaning Polish citizens (not giving names— there are many) do not like this fellow. For the simple reason (as you have pointed out) that he is an imbecile.

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