From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: FIOS For Everyone!

A very nice lady named Marcy writes:

Dear Miss Heather,

I’m hoping you can post a little notice about this petition (and the link) on your most useful and lovely nyshitty website as there are some of us (many) living on the less tony streets of Greenpoint who cannot for the life of us get decent fast internet from Verizon because we are (sadly) considered to be marginal in the eyes of Big Brother Verizon.

I actually made the petition because the Verizon techs themselves (who are always here as our DSL is always down) suggested it as the only way to get noticed (outside of contacting TV stations)…They told us they (Verizon) won’t bother with us (unless we raise a stink) or until the new towers go up.  All the details are in the petition itself.

Here it is—with thanks in advance if we can get some more folks to sign if they see it on your site!

As some of you reading this might be aware, yours truly (somewhat) recently moved to bigger, better digs. On Manhattan Avenue, no less. There is one building on my block— ONE— which has FIOS. Why this is so I have no idea. And I down with this? You bet your ass I am!


One Comment on From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: FIOS For Everyone!

  1. MaineBarnCat on Sat, 27th Jul 2013 9:26 pm
  2. I’m guessing that that one building on your block which has FIOS contains at least one tenant that has either a connection or influence with Verizon. Maybe an upper level staff member lives there and was able to demand the service? That’s how things work in the big city, from what I hear.

    It’s great to see you out and about again, now that things have (however temporarily) frozen over again in Hell.

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