Quicklinks: More Coverage Regarding The Rally


Choice excerpt from the latter most:

…So, how can the 40-story towers in Greenpoint be stopped? The only way to reduce the height and density of the 2005 rezoning is rezone the rezoning. But that is a process that would be extremely difficult assuming that you had a sympathetic administration, and would take years of committed community activism to achieve. A “dezoning” would be fighting against billions of dollars of vested development rights and the entrenched interests of labor unions and affordable housing advocates. These are exactly the forces that came together to make the 2005 rezoning happen in the first place (and others–Domino, for instance). Certainly with the right mayor in office, a waterfront zoning redo is not completely out of the question, but even in that perfect-world scenario, it is a huge lift.

But then there is the question of time. In this best-case scenario, going through the environmental reviews and public review process for such an action would take at least two to three years. More likely, it will be a years-long fight to get to that two- to three-year process. Meanwhile, Greenpoint and Williamsburg will continue to develop, and the community will continue to suffer from growing pains (and, while the 40-story towers make nice lightning rods, the bulk of the density impact of development comes on the 150 or so blocks that are not on the waterfront).

Another idea that has been floated is to challenge the 2005 rezoning using Article 78 of the civil code. Article 78 petitions allow people to challenge administrative decisions made by government agencies–in effect to argue that an agency either exceeded its procedural bounds or refused to act when it should have. But Article 78 is not going to stop towers from coming to the Greenpoint waterfront for the simple fact that the statue of limitations for such petitions ran out almost 8 years ago (7 years and 359 days, but who’s counting?). Even if such a challenge could be mounted, it would be expensive ($100,000 or more), and would be at best, a delaying tactic.

As groups and individuals, we (emphasis mine — Ed. Note) worked very hard (and largely in vain) to get the 2005 rezoning right-sized, and worked very hard (and largely in vain) to get the even-bigger 2010 Domino rezoning right-sized. Those experiences–and many others–have taught us a lot about the land-use process, and why we take a pragmatic (emphasis mine — Ed. Note) approach to the idea of undoing the 2005 zoning…

New York Shitty Analysis:

  • Exactly who/what constitutes “we”?
  • Exactly what constitutes “pragmatic”? I really want to know…


3 Comments on Quicklinks: More Coverage Regarding The Rally

  1. carlosdanger on Fri, 6th Sep 2013 11:06 am
  2. as far as I can tell, “pragmatic approach” must mean “lay down and negotiate for a kick to to the crotch instead of the face”.

    I mean c’mon, in this day and age, the most obvious and common bullying tactic in politics is to start talking like something is a done deal in order to frame the debate away from from what’s really at stake. I was at the rally, and while I appreciate everyone being there and wanting to do something, if you’re taking the approach that this is a done deal and that we’re left begging for a few utterly meaningless concessions, you’re actually hurting the cause by framing the discussion around the idea that the neighborhood is already good as dead. I’m sorry for saying this to some good people, but here goes anyway –


  3. missheather on Sat, 7th Sep 2013 1:56 pm
  4. LOL

  5. missheather on Sat, 7th Sep 2013 1:57 pm
  6. LOL— I hope you’re not tweeting photos of yourself Mr., um, Danger… 😉

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