A Very Special Greenpoint Moment

October 22, 2008 by
Filed under: Crazy People, Greenpoint Magic 

Ever had one of those moments when you see something and think to yourself:

Gee, I bet there is an interesting story behind this.

Only to realize that in order to achieve true understanding would probably entail taking large quantities of psychotropic drugs? I had one of those moments this afternoon on Monitor Street.

Well, what do we have here?

But of course— It’s the Anti Imbedded Mossad Partymobile! Silly me.

Looks like the rear suspension could use a little work.


Shine on you crazy diamond, you! SHINE. ON.

Miss Heather


10 Comments on A Very Special Greenpoint Moment

  1. nbenford on Wed, 22nd Oct 2008 6:43 pm
  2. OMG. If this vehicle ever goes for sale let me know.

  3. rowan on Wed, 22nd Oct 2008 7:11 pm
  4. words fail me. i guess you really can extend the body of any car you want.

  5. missheather on Wed, 22nd Oct 2008 7:17 pm
  6. You should go down to Monitor Street between Meeker and Driggs and make ’em an offer Noel!

  7. rheingold on Wed, 22nd Oct 2008 8:33 pm
  8. Ok, who wants to be the first to Google “Anti-Imbedded Mossad Party”? Or maybe, to paraphrase the Ramones, “You Should Never Have Opened That Door”.

  9. lulu11222 on Wed, 22nd Oct 2008 8:57 pm
  10. dude. I have oft stared at this vehicle, trying to decide if I am missing something. It is pretty nifty, though.

  11. missheather on Wed, 22nd Oct 2008 9:09 pm
  12. I did a Google search. Here’s what I found:


    Get out your tin foil hats, kids!

  13. bitchcakes on Wed, 22nd Oct 2008 10:04 pm
  14. I laughed out loud. That’s bizarre and hilarious! Do you think they do prom rentals?

    On another note- parallel parking that thing in the city must be a bitch!

  15. Citizen Skein on Thu, 23rd Oct 2008 10:04 am
  16. Hola H,

    That’s actually a new message. He switches it up every few months. He used to work for the State Department (hence the VA license plates) and went nuts; at least that’s what the word on the street is.

    I’ve documented the last 4 of his PSA’s below

    “Don’t Kill Your Mother, White Boy.”

    “Because God Is a Mitochondrial Racist Retardo”

  17. missheather on Thu, 23rd Oct 2008 12:09 pm
  18. Citizen Skein: Yeah, I noticed the VA plates. The front one reads “MORTAL”. I’d say this chap was touched by an angel…

    or something very, very special!

  19. missheather on Thu, 23rd Oct 2008 12:12 pm
  20. Oh yeah, I’m liking this “God is your right brain stupid” concept. I am a lefty, you know— therefore it would stand to reason that I am more god-like! Who knew?

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