New York Shitty Photos Du Jour: The Word On The Street

The Word On The Street: Pulaski Bridge Edition

Taken April 14, 2014.

The Word On The Street, Part II: Work In Progress

April 14, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11101, 11106, Gentrification, Long Island City, Long Island City Queens 

Although I am totally certain Frank Jump has already covered this (because he has a Jedi master sense of such things), I am linking to his wonderful blog anyway. I want to give a shout-out of gratitude to the fellow working on this site who humored my shutter-bugging. He totally understood how ironic this was given Equal Pay Day came to pass just a week ago…

New York Shitty Video & Photos Du Jour: On The Waterfront

Today since the weather is amenable, I decided to see what’s happening in far north ‘Point. After revisiting my favorite urban artifact (as seen above, she can be found on Commercial Street not terribly far from the kitty condoplex) I swung over to the Manhattan Avenue Kayak Launch.

First, I encountered this. I do not know when this happened. But it did.

I was stunned at how many boats were moored, illegally I’ll add, on the Queens side of the creek. I have it on excellent intelligence that yes, some of these boats are being pressed into service as residences. Residences on Newtown Creek. Please take a moment to mull this one over, gentle readers.

I do know when this happened: June 9th, 2013. As you can see it has yet to be repaired. No one seems to know if, much less when, this will come to pass. That seems to be the “Greenpoint Way” nowadays.

I was rather distressed to see this: a tree in a clear state of distress. Onward I walked.

No exploration of the utter absurdity that is the Greenpoint waterfront is complete without a visit to the North Brooklyn Boat Club.

Lest any of you are wondering what this is, it is the “Ed Shed”. The “NBBC” (via Open Space Alliance North Brooklyn— remember the latter handles money for the previous) secured a $25,000 grant for this educational facility. Yes, you just read me correctly. This structure will feature a “Sewer In A Suitcase”, material/date about water quality and various art projects for the edification of school groups.

I found this rather large vessel moored to the west curious— but not as curious as…

this one which is affixed to the premises of the Department of Transportation directly under the Pulaski Bridge. Is this legal? No, it probably is not. While we’re on the subject of questionable legality, 51 Ash Street (the premises of the North Brooklyn Boat Club and the new location of the Greenpoint Boathouse) appears to have an al fresco kitchen…

… replete with a barbecue pit…

and “kitchen sink”.

Note that this fixture does appear to be fully functional— and begs a number of questions:

  1. Where is the water coming from? (Educated guess: 49 Ash Street).
  2. Were the proper permits filed to do this? (Educated guess: No.)
  3. How is it that an “educational facility” located on private property (which is under lock and key) can receive a $25,000 grant (and assistance from our local parks conservancy group) and public park whose fence was seriously damaged ten months ago is seemingly not worthy of attention— much less the funding— required to conduct repairs and routine maintenance?


Long Island City Photo Du Jour: BAMN & GILF!

Those of you who have not done so already can get the full skinny on this (which is gracing 5Pointz— or what was 5Pointz) by clicking here. Otherwise and in closing: if this looks vaguely familiar fellow Greenpointers, this is why. Well done!

Long Island City Photos Du Jour: The Non-Conformist

February 25, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11101, Long Island City, Long Island City Queens 

As spied recently on 11th Street during my recent sojourn in Long Island City. Like it or hate it (I am leaning personally towards “like” because it reminds me of Legos), you gotta give the architect points for originality…

Long Island City Photo Du Jour: The Word On The Street

February 23, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11101, Long Island City, Long Island City Queens, The Word On The Street 

From 46 Avenue.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: The Word On The Street

Fuck your Workweek

Taken by Adrian Cabrero.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Whitewashed

November 20, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11101, Gentrification, Long Island City, Long Island City Queens 

Elegy for 5 Pointz, 11-19-2013

Taken by WarmSleepy.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: 5Pointz

November 8, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11101, Long Island City, Long Island City Queens, Queens 

5 ptz, Long Island City, New York, 2013.

Taken by Eric Lau Kwan Tai.

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