Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: 652 Days & Counting!

August 1, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Urban Artifact 

Jailbear 812014 nys

Bacardi and Bear nys

The Face of Jailbear nys

Looks like Jailbear is taking the imminent closure of Lulu’s pretty hard. Or perhaps he is celebrating? Anyone out there know if teddy bears like pizza? Sorry folks, I have a very hard time feeling sorry for a business owner who:

  1. Didn’t seem to have an issue with the anti-gay clause in his lease— for a decade— until it became convenient to do so.
  2. Went on the record saying this:

They (gay establishments — Ed. note) do well because you don’t have issues of fighting,” he said. “They’re nice people, they’re wonderful to deal with. It’s easier. Typically you don’t have to offer food.

So apparently gay people do not eat or fight. Just goes to show you learn something new every day. Did I mention that watering holes in our fair city are required by law to offer food? Well, I just did.

UPDATE, 6:03 p.m.: It would appear that the owner of Lulu’s has been trying to sell this establishment for some time. An anonymous tipster writes:

(He) tried to sell me that place 3 years ago.  Crying the blues about not making money etc.  I was actually interested UNTIL I toured the space.  SHIT HOLE ….literally!  At that time the toilets were flushing INTO the basement!  Exposed wires, bad plumbing, mold, rotting floors and walls.  WAAAAAAAY too much work to bring the place up to code, so I declined.

So there you go.

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Arriva Dirce!

August 11, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Production Lounge, R.I.P.

P.S.: Special thanks go out to Kat for tipping me off to this.

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part III: Production Lounge Gone For Good?

July 26, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

A fellow we’ll call “M” writes July 25, 2012:

Spotted an Eviction notice on the front door of The Production Lounge tonight, didn’t have my camera/phone with me though. Maybe it’ll still be around tomorrow.

As you can see in the above photo (which was taken today) nary a notice is to be found. However, there is a “for rent” sign posted. Hmm…

Live From The 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting

As some of you are undoubtedly aware last night both the month meeting of our Community Board and that of the 94th Precinct Community Council came to pass. I opted to attend the Community Council meeting. I’m glad I did: not only did Deputy Inspector Hurson give a presentation of 2011’s crime statistics (which featured a sobering number of vehicular/pedestrian accidents, as you will see) but after a slow start the question & Answer session got downright contentious. The fly in the audience’s proverbial ointment was (among other things) loud/unruly bars. Without further ado here is footage (which as of 4:14 p.m. is WORKING!!!) of the proceedings. Enjoy!

Part I: General Announcements, D.I. Hurson Announces the “Cop of the Month”

1. Minutes are waived.
2. Deputy Inspector Hurson notes that while Bedford Avenue was rather festive on New Year’s Eve (and some of the merrymakers were perhaps a little too merry) matters did not get out of hand.
3. D.I. Hurson announces the “Cop of the Month”: Officer Wikira. Officer Wikira detained a man stuffing a woman’s purse into a mailbox. Shortly thereafter a robbery was reported involving the man in question. He, having just served twelve years for similar such offenses, was arrested and sentenced to five years.

Part II: D.I. Hurson Gives a Presentation Regarding the 94th Precinct’s Crime Statistics For 2011

1. The 94th is the 9th best precinct in the city.
2. While most crimes were down (for example, burglaries were down 35%), felony assaults were up 26%.
3. Overall crime was down 10%
4. D.I. Hurson makes note of an auto theft ring the 94th recently busted. Apparently this outfit was shipping automobiles to the Middle East. Wow.
5. Arguably the most disturbing statistic offered were vehicular/pedestrian accidents. 77 of these came to pass last year. This is a 63% increase over 2010 (which had 47). Bicyclist/motorist accidents, conversely, were down. Albeit slightly: 67 in 2011 versus 79 in 2010. This is a 15% decrease.

Part III: Deputy Inspector Hurson Gives a Rundown of Recent Criminal Activity

1. D.I. Hurson gives an overview of recent crimes among them:

  • Another MARCH operating came to pass January 6th. The establishments “visited” were The Cove, Veronica Peoples Club and The Place. While the Department of Health did serve some violations, nothing major was found.
  • There were two shootings. One came to pass at 255 Nassau Avenue December 4th; the other was a self-inflicted gun shot wound in front of the White Castle on Metropolitan Avenue. The lattermost individual, having arrived at Woodhull Hospital for treatment, was arrested.

Part IV: The Q & A Session Commences

1. The matter of the The Production Lounge (which is located at 113 Franklin Street)— or more specifically the noise emanating from it on “Polish Hip Hop Night” (which came to pass January 7th)— is brought to the table. A local landlord kicks off this discussion. This gets rather contentious quickly.

Part V: Q & A Session Continues, The Production Lounge and Noise Issues in General are Discussed

1. A neighbor of Veronica Peoples Club speaks about noise issues.

2. Attendees are advised to tender any and all noise complaints to our local Community Board.

Part VI: Q & A Session Continues

1. Complaints about zoning (and lack of planning as being a facilitator for the proliferation of bars) are raised. Greenpoint is likened to a “frat party” and the East Village by one citizen.

2. Questions are raised about how noise complaints are handled. D.I. Hurson cites Coco66 as example as how noise complaints were used as the pretext for a MARCH operation which resulted in this establishment’s closure.

Part VII: Q & A Session Continues

1. The owner/operator of a local music studio complains about the noise emanating from 113 Franklin Street.

2. A resident of the Cooper Park Houses tenders the most fascinating (and disturbing) item of the meeting: apparently an Access-a-ride driver is purchasing drugs at said complex several times a day. Usually frequently while driving said vehicle.

3. More noise concerns are posited, specifically about the air conditioning unit gracing Mrs. Kim’s.

4. The issue of “vacation rentals” is raised.

Part VIII: Q & A Session Continues

1. Discussion continues regarding “vacation rentals”

2. Questions about how to report stolen vehicles are raised.

Part IX: Q & A Session Concludes

1. A Leonard Street residents raises concerns about traffic enforcement. Specifically in regards to speeding motorists.

Until next month…

UPDATE, 5:22 p.m.: On a related note, there was a pedestrian fatality on Borinquen Place this morning. You get the full story by clicking here.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: A Letter Campaign & Benefit

November 5, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This item was brought to my attention by the event’s organizer: a lady named Kathleen. She writes:


Just saw your post on Pablo. Thank you for posting that 🙂
A buddy and I are throwing a benefit for our friend two weeks from today.

Pablo Airaldi Benefit Show
November 19, 2010 starting at 9:00 p.m.
Price of admission (all proceeds of which will be donated to Mr. Airaldi’s legal defense fund): $10.00
The Production Lounge
113 Franklin Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

You can get the full rundown at this event’s page on Facebook.

Otherwise I have received a brief update from Christina. She writes:

I just spoke to him.  Basically he has a lawyer in Indiana trying to turn over his plea from 2001 for this exact reason but it a conservative state and there is no guarantee how this will go down.  He informed me that his next hearing is on November 29th at Varick St.  He asked me to get together the petitions and letters to the defense of his character prior to that date.  When you can, maybe we can ask people who are acquainted with him, are fans of Greenpoint Bikes, or are sympathetic to his case to write letters stating who they are and why he should remain in this country.  They can leave them with me or at the bike shop.  On the 29th anyone who wants to come down to Varick St. and show their support for his case is urged to join us at 9 am.  I am sure there will be more details before then but for now that’s all I know.

To be continued…

UPDATE, 6:50 p.m.: You can follow Mr. Airaldi’s story (and his upcoming hearing) via this newly erected Facebook page.*

Miss Heather

*Thanks Kathleen!

Notes From The 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting

Yours truly didn’t feel like going— but she went anyway. I’m glad I did! For starters (and by Greenpoint standards, anyway) the meeting was pretty mellow. This is a good thing since I was not really in the mood for some of the angrier and uglier rhetoric that can (and does) come to pass at these meetings. This is not to suggest there wasn’t anger: there most assuredly was. The difference was the people (ladies all) who aired their ire were (as a friend noted) so darned nice about it! Bicyclists, illegal sidewalk vendors, impertinent youths and liquor licenses all get the treatment at the hands (or would that be mouths) of these ladies. One such lass made an observation so piquant that she has henceforth earned my undying admiration. But I am getting ahead of myself. Without further ado here is footage from last night’s meeting— along with synopses and a bit of analysis from yours truly. Enjoy!

Part I: D. I. Fulton gives opening statements/props and a general rundown of crime trends.

The Rundown:

  • Grand larceny auto and burglaries are up, everything else is down.
  • Vehicle accidents are down 4.1%
  • D. I. Fulton explains that since the crime stats for the 94th are so low that one or two burglaries can skew the crime statistics upward.
  • A spate of robberies via a man riding a bicycle centering (roughly) around “Woodpoint Road and Conselyea Street”. This individual has since been apprehended and identified in a line-up by two victims. NOTE: this chap’s activities came to pass between (once again: roughly) 1:00 and 2:00 a.m. in the morning and his victims were women in their 20’s.
  • D. I. Fulton talks about burglaries.

Part II: D. I. Fulton speaks about car break-ins and the public speaks!

  • Arrests are up 24.7%
  • A case of Greenpoint roof theft
  • D. I. Fulton advises runners patronizing McCarren Park to mind their personal property.
  • One citizen applauds the 94th for apprehending a man who exposed himself to her and her daughter— and physically threatened them at North 7 Street and Bedford Avenue.
  • Same said citizen complains about illegal street vendors.

Part III: The Public Speaks, continued

  • Illegal vendors, continued
  • A general discourse on unruly behavior in general on Bedford Avenue and Williamsburg in general.
  • A Greenpoint resident queries D. I. Fulton about vehicle theft: there were 13 over the summer and 109 total.

Parts IV & V: The Public Speaks, continued

The aforementioned Greenpoint resident complains about Five Leaves’s use of the sidewalk (allegedly after permitted hours for a “sidewalk cafe”) and follows is a general discussion:

  • A burglary on Bedford Avenue
  • A lady from the Lions Club gives the 94th props

  • Bicyclists
  • Street closures and parties, e.g.; do they require permits?
  • Other things including— but not limited to— one of the most awesome observations (or dare I hope: promises) I have ever heard at a 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting. Go to 2:31 and hear it for yourself!
  • There are 97 liquor licenses pending (including a renewal for the Production Lounge*). D.I. Fulton explains this as “growing pains”.
  • Parties
  • Complaints about 311 dropping calls

Closing observations/thoughts:

  1. Once again and all things considered: this meeting was pretty tame.
  2. Nonetheless there was plenty of anger to go around. This mostly centered around aspects of the “new” Williamsburg being a tourist attraction and/or a watering hole of choice. Which brings me to…
  3. the subject of liquor licenses. If the ostensible function of our Community Board is to be the voice of the people and/or institute some semblance of “community standards” their determinations should be more binding. What’s the point of having due process if the SLA (State Liquor Authority) simply looks at their recommendation— let’s say, to deny a liquor and/or Cabaret license— and they issue the license (undoubtedly greased along by lobbyists/parties with deep pockets) anyway? Just a thought.
  4. The previous Op Ed(s) having been written (and to close on a note of levity), I am taking a serious shine to the notion of some exchange program between Greenburg/Williamspoint grannies and ‘noobs in the ‘hood.** I have no doubt the previous can show middle America a few things about partying (take this, for example.) Our friends (far) beyond the Hudson could use some good ol’ north Brooklyn flavor! It builds character.

Miss Heather

*Which inasmuch as much as yours truly can ascertain is STILL operating a monthly strip club. CASE IN POINT:

**I mean this with all due respect. I have grown to absolutely adore Greenpoint grandmas over the years. I simply wish others had the pleasure of enjoying their company. It isn’t so much about “Go back to Ohio”, so to speak, as it is “Get thee to Ohio”— and get us some respect!

Now At The Production Lounge: Body Heat

July 28, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Okay, I am a little behind the game on this one (apparently the first round came to pass last weekend) but when I saw these fliers at Save Rite Wine & Liquor I simply HAD to share the good news. Exactly what is “Body Heat”, you ask? The other side of this flier should clarify matters.

You can always leave it to our friends at the Production Lounge to keep things classy in the Garden Spot!

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: We Do It All!

January 22, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Yesterday I really needed a laugh and thanks to the Production Lounge (where the above sign is located) I got one. We’re not talking a paltry chuckle either. We’re talking bent-over-gasping-for-air fits of maniacal cackling. There a measure of truth in advertising at play here: gun fire, noise complaints, monthly strip parties with lap dances— and now Bar Mitzvahs and Sweet Sixteen Parties! The Production Lounge really does do it all!

My advice: if you decide to have little Timmy’s b’rith at this establishment it might be best to bundle up your bundle of joy in some Kevlar. And oh yeah, toting along a bottle or two of hand sanitizer may not be such a bad idea either.

Miss Heather

A Greenpoint Public Service Announcement: More About The Adonis Lounge

December 27, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

adonisloungeTHUMBSome of you might recall ten days ago I shared the good news about the Adonis Lounge. In this post I posited the following:

If the address of this establishment, 113 Franklin Street, sounds vaguely familiar that’s because it is the location of the Production Lounge. Perhaps they have decided to diversify from hip-hop to himbos?

Well, certain events have come to pass (which, it should be noted started after I noticed a number highly unusual search query hits for this site— “Greenpoint handjob” being by far the finest) and I am pleased to announce I have an answer to the aforementioned question: yes. In fact, it appears to be a monthly affair and has been going on since (at least) November.


Per GoingNYC:

Adonis Lounge is a Private Male strip club for Gay Men held once a month in The GreenPoint (!!! Ed. Note) area Of Brooklyn NY , It will feature some of the hottest male strippers around plus there will be a lap dance area and VIP room for ones enjoyment ! Men must be 21 and up to attend  and be on the list for this November 19 event ( past events will not count ) write (excised).

This just keeps getting curiouser and curiouser…

Miss Heather

TONIGHT IN GREENPOINT: Lap Dances & Champagne Room

December 17, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


Those of you who prefer twigs and berries to mistletoe this holiday season will be delighted to know that tonight the “Adonis Lounge” will be hosting a private party featuring fifteen of New York’s “hottest Men”, lap dances, champagne room and full bar and “full stage show”. If the address of this establishment, 113 Franklin Street, sounds vaguely familiar that’s because it is the location of the Production Lounge. Perhaps they have decided to diversify from hip-hop to himbos?

Adonis Lounge
Thursday, December 17, 2009; doors open at 8:00 p.m.
The Production Lounge
113 Franklin Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Get your stripper rolls ready, ladies and gents. It’s going to be a bumpy (and grindy) night!

Miss Heather

UPDATE, December 18, 2009: If my inbox and what I have been told in person today is any indication, both 311 and the 94th Precinct received a lot of angry phone calls last night. In one such case regarding the latter the desk Sargent advised the caller that this was, in fact, illegal but they (the police department) could do nothing about it. The he advised him/her to call 311.

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