From The New York Shitty Inbox: A Bar Cometh To 200 Franklin?

May 11, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This item comes courtesy of a chap named Charles. He writes:

Saw this on my everyblock – looks like that (Dandelion-owned?) wine bar may come true! But, it certainly looks like it’s at 200 Franklin, under that weird wedding cake douchebox, Not at Van Gogh’s Radio as had been speculated.

Very interesting indeed! While I know that someone (not Lily) has voiced interest in operating an eating and drinking establishment at Van Gogh’s old space (and to this end has taken measures to file an application for a liquor license) I did not know she had something  like this up her sleeve! I will have to ask her about this the next time I see her. In the meantime if anyone has the 411 on “Wyne A But” please leave a comment or shoot me an email at: missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com. Thanks!

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Van Gogh’s Radio On The Move?

November 7, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This item comes courtesy of Kathleen bartendress extraordinaire and the head honcha of Pablo Airaldi’s upcoming benefit concert. She writes:

We’re actually going to be moving the bar. Looks like we’ll be out of our current spot by the end of the month. The new space is still in the hood… It sucks though. It’ll probably take 3-4 months for the build out and for the liquor license to get transferred. I’ll have to find a new job in the meantime. Def want to go back there when the new spot is open though. Tony (the owner) has been a really good friend of mine for many years. It kicks ass to be able to make money for someone you care about rather than some random person or company.

I’d like to work in Greenpoint in the interim but insofar as I know none of the bars are hiring. Might talk to Jimmy (Shayz) and his dad about doing fill in shifts there as they’re friends of mine. We’ll see…I know something will work out.

If anyone reading this tome knows of a watering hole where Kathleen can do what she does best please contact her via email at: khennerty (at) gmail (dot)com

After all, a Greenpoint gal has to eat!

Miss Heather

P.S.: Kathleen visited Pablo yesterday. Here’ her update:

So Becky and I visited Pablo yesterday. He was having a pretty crappy day. Depressed. Doing his best to keep his spirits up, though. I was able to stay strong and not cry until after leaving. He’s in a really shitty place right now (new jersey is bad enough but he has to spend it in the damn jail at that!). He really really appreciates you posting the letter. Said he put a lot of work into it and wants it to be circulated as much as possible. I’m going to print out copies today to hand out. I joked with P yesterday that he’s become my day job 🙂 Work for Pablo(‘s case) during the day and work at the bar at night

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