THIS WEEKEND: Red Shed Garden Summer Barbecue & Block Party!

Given that yours truly was not appointed with anything resembling a green thumb I have a genuine appreciation for those who do. Thus why I am pleased as punch to pass along that the folks at Red Shed Garden will be having their annual Summer Barbecue and block party this upcoming Saturday, June 23rd! Those of you who are unfamiliar with this lovely endeavor can get a taste by perusing the following (granted, a few years old) slide show below.

Any and all who have the opportunity do swing by and see Red Shed Garden for yourselves. Not only will you be supporting a great cause but chances are you will have a lot of fun in the process!

Red Shed Garden Barbecue & Block Party
Saturday, June 23, 2012 starting at 1:00 p.m.
266 Skillman Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

SATURDAY: Red Shed BBQ & Fundraiser

This item comes courtesy of my friends at Red Shed Community Garden. This upcoming Saturday, July 17, starting at 1:00 p.m. they will be throwing their annual barbecue and fundraiser. Live D.J.s, grilled food from local businesses (I have been told vegetarian-friendly fare will be offered!), a bake sale and plant swap are among the treats promised. In addition there will be a raffle with prizes from local businesses including:

  • Knitting Factory – tickets/drinks for two
  • Brooklyn Kitchen – Summertime Gift Basket
  • Namaste Yoga – 5 free passes
  • Blue Stove – gift certificate for a whole pie
  • 3rd Ward – $75 gift certificate good towards a class
  • Oslo Coffee – 2 gift cards good for 10 free drinks each
  • Word Books – a copy of Fresh, Fast & Green
  • Crest Hardware – garden hand tools and plant
  • Rose Red and Lavender – green and purple shiso plants and a Hori knife
  • Cho’s Variety – coffee

You can get more details by checking out Red Shed’s web site. I went to this event last year. It’s a lot of fun. Check it out!

Red Shed Community Garden Barbecue & Fundraiser
July 17, 2010 1:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Red Shed Community Garden
266 Skillman Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Shots From The Red Shed Garden

July 11, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 


As the (relative) dearth of postage today probably indicates, I spent the day away from the keyboard and out enjoying this unseasonably delightful weather. Among the numerous things on my itinerary was the Red Shed Garden fundraiser and barbecue. When the Mister and I arrived the event was in full swing. While he was getting his fill of sausage from Emily’s Pork Store I took a little tour of the premises. If it is possible I’d say they have really topped themselves this year; it was lush and teeming with all manner and variety of tasty foodstuffs (and Brussels sprouts). But don’t take my word for it— see for yourself!

Any of you who are interested to learn how you can become a part of this bona fide urban oasis click here and you will be directed to the Red Shed Garden’s Yahoo group.

Miss Heather

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