From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: Another Bicyclist Hit?

July 26, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11211, Criminal Activity, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

This item comes from our 50th Assembly District Democratic Leader (and all-around nice guy) Lincoln Restler. He writes:

I am emailing you because a good friend of mine was smashed by a car riding his bicycle in the early hours of Sunday morning at Graham and Skillman just a few blocks from C’s accident. A car stopped temporarily to let my friend pass and then the driver stuck his foot on the gas to hit him full force. He went flying and was knocked unconscious. He woke up in Woodhull. Not only was it a classic hit and run – but my friend’s bike was stolen. Well, actually he was borrowing another friend’s bike. It has been seen around the neighborhood, so I was wondering if you might do a post to get the word out that this is a stolen bike. Details below about the bike and my friend Tyler’s first person account of what happened. thanks so much.

Without further ado, here it is.

“On Saturday night I was hit by a car on a bicycle at the intersection of Graham and Skillman. I was knocked out cold from the collision and woke up in the Woodhull ER. Luckily I was wearing a helmet or it could have been much worse. The car took off and the bicycle was stolen form the scene sometime while I was unconscious or after the ambulance had taken me away. I am writing to ask for people to keep a look out for this bicycle, details below, in the neighborhood. A good friend had lent me the bike to ride home and we are desperately seeking to get it back in his hands (no questions asked). He is a free-lance reporter and relies on the bike to get around and cover the local news. It’s bad enough that this was a hit and run accident, but to have the bike disappear on top of it is just wrong. The local police (94th precinct) have been unhelpful, so we’re turning to the community. If you have any information about the bike or accident please contact me directly at

Details on the bike:
It is a red Lemond Tourmalet steel-framed (59cm) road bike with Shimano components, white bar tape and a Fizik Arione saddle (this is important for the identification because I had put a fancy racing seat on it). The bike was in excellent condition, although the rear derailleur had a creak.”
This is one of the most infuckingsane things I have ever heard of happening here folks (and believe you me, I have seen/heard a lot). If you know of this bicycle’s whereabouts or bore witness to this accident please contact Tyler at the above-listed email address. Thanks.
UPDATE, 5:06 p.m.: No new news, but in my rush to post this item I forgot to pass along this wonderful resource one of my commenters has brought to my attention. Do take a moment to give this a read— and I hope none of you ever have to use it!

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Props & Bicycle Theft At The Viridian

A very nice chap (and Viridian resident), Michael, writes:

Hey Miss Heather,

Avid reader, first time tipper. First I gotta say I love the blog – really great stuff. Indispensable if you live in GP. And congrats on the NY Mag article!

I wanted to write you b/c my 2 bikes were stolen from the Viridian garage (110 Green Street) yesterday (I think). They were last seen on Thursday at 11:30pm and were gone this morning around noon. The 2 bikes were: 1) 1980’s Schwinn World Sport – blue frame with black handle bars, fixed and 2) 1980’s Windsor Carrera Sport – gray frame with red handlebars. I’m really bummed about them being stolen… Maybe you or one of your readers will see them around town. If you do please let me know! Thanks again and keep on rockin!

First off, thanks for the incredibly nice words Michael. They are greatly appreciated! You might be interested to know I will be featured on L Magazine’s web site this upcoming week— so keep an eye out! Otherwise, if anyone has seen a bicycle fitting either of the above descriptions please contact Michael via email at: michael (dot) auerbach (at) gmail (dot) com.


UPDATE, October 3, 2010: Michael has gotten one of his bikes back! He writes:

I got 1 back! Saw some dude with the Windsor on green. Said he found it on the end of Huron street and he gave I back to me! Still missing the Schwinn tho! I hope we can get it back!!!

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Stolen Bike

September 29, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Criminal Activity, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This item comes from a lady named Molly. She writes:

hey miss heather,
love your blog and hope that you could help me add some eyes to the search for my stolen bike.

sometime between 10 p.m. last night and 8 a.m. this morning, my bike was stolen. it was locked on the gate in front of my apartment on monitor between nassau and driggs. cable lock was cut clean through.

now here’s the thing. this bike is small. like really small. anyone that is over 5’2″ won’t be able to ride it comfortably. it’s also orange. really orange. it has orange handle bar tape and an old vintage schwinn speedometer on the handle bars.  it’s also very heavy. i have attached a photo of the bike… if you see someone… with a small orange bike, please contact me via email.

hope some nice greenpointers can help me out! i love this bike!

If anyone has seen this bike or knows of its whereabouts please contact Molly via email at mollsrawks (at) gmail (dot) com


Miss Heather

The Word On The Street: A Bike Theft Epidemic?

September 18, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Criminal Activity, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This week I have heard complaints from no less than three people who have had their bicycles being stolen in the Garden Spot. Whether or not this is a coincidence (READ: I have by chance encountered more— and/or more vocal— people who have has their bikes stolen or if this is an indication of an uptick in petty theft) is anyone’s guess. In any case I feel compelled to write a couple things. Here they are.

1. The 94th Precinct registers bicycles (so in the event they are stolen they can traced via a serial number they will assign and engrave on said bike). This service is totally free and you can make an appointment by contacting Officer Moulterie (the woman spearheading this project) via telephone at (718) 349 – 3879. DO IT!

2. LOCK UP YOUR BICYCLES! One of the people I spoke to who had his bicycle stolen this week because he left it unattended (READ: unlocked) while he ducked into his apartment to get something. While by and large Greenpointers are honest, good folk that fact of the matter is some of our number are not. Be street smart and keep a careful eye on your personal property (be it a bicycle or otherwise).

3. I would advise each and every person who has had his (or her) bicycle stolen to bring this to the attention of the commanding officer of the 94th, Deputy Inspector Fulton, at the upcoming Community Council meeting (which is next week!)

94th Precinct Community Council Meeting
September 20, 2010 7:30 p.m. (every third Monday of the month)
Capital One Bank
(AKA: The Greenpoint Savings Bank)
807 Manhattan Avenue, Calyer Street Entrance
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: BUSTED!!

February 28, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Criminal Activity, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

From Manhattan Avenue.

Miss Heather

The Calyer Street Bike Bandit Strikes Again!

January 29, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Criminal Activity, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Remember the reader email I posted on January 25 about a fellow Greenpointer having not one, BUT TWO, bicycles stolen last weekend? Well, it would appear they have struck again. Per my Calyer Street tipster:

i don’t know who’s letting them in, so it has to be delivery something, or someone who works for the landlady.

i am having my brother in law put the new lock in TOMORROW.

First off, I want to tender my sincerest sympathies to my Calyer Street compadre. Knowing that a thief has been in your apartment building is disturbing enough. The fact he (or she, I suppose) had the chutzpah to come back— or worse—- someone else has taken to pillaging on your private property is even worse! While I realize this may be cold comfort to this individual, I want to reiterate that the 94th Precinct is registering bicycles. This service is totally free and will make tracking down your ride much easier in the event (god forbid) it is stolen. You can get the contact information for the woman spearheading this effort by clicking here (look at the second to last paragraph).

Miss Heather

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